Saturday, December 21, 2013

Camden Revisited

Camden, NJ, is the large city with the highest percentage of single parents. It's an outstanding example of the fruits of moral relativism. Yesterday, I saw this.
(NEWSER) – Just how bad are things in Camden's schools? So bad that only three students there managed a "college ready" SAT score in 2013, new superintendent Paymon Rouhanifard revealed yesterday. He called the number a "kick-in-the-stomach moment."
There are 80,000 people in Camden. Assuming a life expectancy of 80 years and a linear population distribution, both making it seem better than it is for these stats, that's 1,000 high school seniors.

And only 3 are college ready.

If it weren't for southern, white Christian prudes, more Camden kids would be ready for STEM careers.

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