You see, small carbon footprints and a modest lifestyle are for us, not for him. Mark Steyn had an outstanding version of this.
Well, obviously, being a renowned expert, Thomas Friedman, like Al Gore and the Prince of Wales, needs a supersized carbon footprint. But you don't - you can get by beating your laundry on the rocks down by the river with the native women all day long.In all seriousness, I'm more in agreement with Thomas Friedman. I want to spout envirobromides so I can be invited to all the chic, trendy parties while living it up in a house so big that I have to use my cell phone to contact the other members of the family.
Besides, without a house like this, where would I park the H3 that I would buy?
So.... grow food to feed thousands, like my folks' cows or granny's corn farm, and it's bad; having 12 well educated, polite kids who share rooms and call policemen "sir," is horrible sin against Gaia.
Having a McMansion is OK, so long as you preach about how folks oughtn't be allowed to do so?
Heh, happened to read this just after posting:
At this point I almost stopped reading, because anyone who can pack that much boilerplate claptrap into one sentence is destined to end up explaining why things have to be taken away from people. Basic needs: the words of someone who knows how big your house should be. Creature comforts: he knows how many pairs of pants you should own. “Defining the purpose of life as making more dough to purchase more consumer goods” - the earnest snit of a petty puritan who believes you put in long hours so you can afford a Cuisinart kiwi-peeler.
Awesome quote and link, foxfier! Thanks!
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