Thursday, October 17, 2024

If An 8-year-old Girl Can Pose You A Problem You Cannot Solve

 ... then you might want to rethink your basic assumptions.

Dig this pitch-perfect emperor-has-no-clothes moment:

The dad's outrage is all well and good, but to me, the telling thing is that the educated, credentialed people on the school board can't think of a response to the girl saying she doesn't want boys to come into her bathroom and watch her.

On this blog, I like to wave my arms and yell about logical contradictions and so forth. This is a perfect example of what happens when you have them as a basis for your ideology.

Little Girl: I don't want Jimmy to come into my bathroom.

School Board Member: It's OK, Jimmy is a girl.

Little Girl: No he's not, he has a pee-pee.

School Board Member: That doesn't make him a girl. Girls are something different.

Little Girl: What is a girl then?

School Board Member: (Same confused silence you get when you ask these people to define the word, 'woman.')

It just doesn't work. Not at all. If an 8-year-old is running logical rings around you, it might be time to burn your diploma and get a new one from a different institution.

Monday, October 14, 2024

A Deal For American Women

 ... from the Clintons.

Dig this.

The Deal

American women should focus on education and careers and not marriage and family. They should enjoy sex with the same abandon as men, but not spend any energy directing their relationships towards rings, altars and cribs. If they get pregnant, there should be publicly funded abortions up until the point of birth and if there's a bit of an oopsie by the medico at the end, a wee bit after the point of birth is just fine as well.

In exchange for this, to replace the children American women will not be having, we will import totally unvetted, untraceable, unvaccinated, illiterate and verbally-incomprehensible people from every failed nation on the planet so that we can continue to have, for a short period of time at least, all the benefits of a functioning, self-sustaining culture. This will also allow us to live in a soothing fantasy where we pretend our culture is actually healthy enough to create a new generation of Americans.

In short, the Haitians and their pals are being brought in to replace the babies we're killing or not even creating in the first place. It's a win-win.

In addition to providing American career women with delicious, International cuisine, the migrants can also teach us sustainable ways of reducing our waste products and converting them into energy sources.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Pounds Of Flesh

 Dig this.

A massive influx in non-English speaking students in Pennsylvania is overwhelming school districts across the state, and the logistical strain on administrators could be leaving other students behind.

The number of English Language Learners (ELL) in school districts in Pennsylvania has surged nearly 40% since 2021, forcing public schools to shell out more cash to try and meet the needs of these students, according to documents obtained via records requests and open-source information reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation. The surge for many schools began in the 2021-2022 academic school year, coinciding with the onset of the Biden-Harris administration and the subsequent border crisis...

Across the state, there were a total of 71,766 ELL students — those requiring specialized education in learning English as a second language — during the 2020-2021 school year, according to data published by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. This number jumped to 99,889 in the 2023-2024 school year, marking a nearly 40% rise in just three years.

The numbers only tell part of the story. It's not just that there are nearly 100,000 ELL students, it's that they speak dozens of different languages. It's one thing to have 100,000 Spanish-speaking kids you have to teach English, it's an utterly unsolvable problem to have some speaking Spanish, some Creole French, some Arabic ...

Where are you going to get the teachers for those kids? There is no training pipeline in existence that is prepared to handle an influx like that and the example is only for Pennsylvania. The same thing is happening all over the country.

The Democrats opened the floodgates so they could import voters. Once the illegals got in, there would be no appetite for deportations on the scale required to get rid of them all. In time, they will be legalized and, so the thinking goes, the Democrats will never lose another election. At no point in time did they think any of this through. The schools are being overwhelmed, drowning in illegals' kids they cannot teach, cannot understand and cannot house.

It was never about the people, it was always about the numbers.

That doesn't begin to consider the amount of sex trafficking of children that must have happened with more than 320,000 unaccompanied minors coming across the border.

It's all OK, though. They got their voters into the country. That's all that matters. #compassion

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

The Fundamental Question About The Great Replacement

 ... is this one: Who is allowed a homeland?

A secondary question is this: What happens when you are inclusive, but your "migrants" are not? Dig this.

If the "migrants" attack a police car which flees, how much inclusion is that? It seems that the cops are being inclusive, but the "migrants" are not. To me, that looks like a skirmish on the front and the Frenchies lost.

Meanwhile, let's return to the Irish and, for the lack of a better example, the Congolese. Are the Irish allowed a homeland? Congo's population is 20x theirs. It wouldn't take much for the Congolese to enter Ireland and gain a voting majority. Are the Congolese allowed a homeland? I don't think it's much of a reach to assert firmly that no one would suggest that the Congo should be run by someone other than the Congolese, no matter what the results might be.

I know this is raising some very uncomfortable topics and perhaps crossing lines, but as I watch England turn Muslim and see high-profile Brits first flee London and then some of them flee the country completely, these questions occur to me. They are questions we all need to answer here in the US. The Democrats have closed the border, temporarily, for electoral purposes, so when I go to the airport here in San Diego these days, I'm not surrounded by "migrants," but that still happened.

Are Americans allowed a homeland? What is an American?

As you ponder that, dig this:

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Making The Case For Western Colonialism

 ... is what the progressives are actually doing.

From what I understand, America is systemically racist, run by whites and their allied racial sellouts like the Asians and Jews. Apparently the whites and their quisling buddies are so good at running the country that it's an act of charity to take people of color from other nations and bring them here. The "migrants" leave a trash heap run by people of color and come to the Land of Opportunity which is run by whites and their stooges.

Sadly, we can only save a small percentage of people of color. For example, Haiti has a population of 11,500,000. We've imported roughly 700,000 Haitians. That's barely 6% of them. Sad!

What if there was a way we could help 100% of the Haitians?

How about if we bring in 10-20,000 Americans (read: whites and their racial pawns) and put them in charge of Haiti? That way, the noble Haitians could stay in the land of their ancestors and still reap the benefits of being ruled over by white supremacists who, for some reason, seem to be able to run things much more efficiently and peacefully.

At the same time, the Irish could run Rwanda, the British run Nigeria, the Italians run Ethiopia, hopefully with less gassing of the natives this time, and so on and so forth. Even the French, as silly as they are, could be given a nation filled with people of color to manage. Algeria, perhaps.

Ooh, too soon with that one?

Anywho, think of all the Global Warming Climate Change we could prevent not running boats filled with ominously intense, young, male migrants back and forth across the water, belching out their polar-bear-killing diesel fumes!

Hey, it's worth a try.

These Rhodesian chappies look like a good sort. Certainly a sight better than the maniacs running Zimbabwe now.

Monday, October 07, 2024

If The Migrants Aren't Interested In Diversity

 ... then you could be well and truly screwed.

Ireland has a population of about 5M. Ethiopia has a population of about 120M. Africans of some origin or another have been arriving in Ireland by the boatload for some time now. The "migrants" are almost exclusively military-age males. Not a lot of big-eyed, photogenic moppets in those boats.

We're told by our academics, news media, politicians and entertainers that diversity will make us stronger and we should embrace it. We'll all be one, big salad of people getting along marvelously. All we need to do is embrace diversity and cultural enrichment.

What if the migrants don't embrace it? What if they don't embrace it and then become, at least local, majorities?

Well, then Ireland won't be Irish in those places, will it? It will be Rwanda or Ethiopia or Nigeria or Pakistan in those places. Kind of like how the Tren de Aragua guys from Venezuela turned certain Colorado apartment complexes pretty Tren de Araguaish.

More pointedly, is it OK if the Irish want to keep Ireland Irish? Given global population ratios, if the Irish want to keep Ireland Irish, they'll need to start racially managing their island and pretty soon at that. Is that OK? Is it OK if the migrants come from Pakistan and decide that embracing diversity means all women have to be covered with black potato sacks?

It seems to me that the fundamental weak spot of the diversity crowd is that they assume the migrants want diversity. If they don't, then it's a colonial power - Ethiopia, Pakistan, Honduras, Haiti, whoever - being allowed to invade without any resistance because our Elites are sanctimonious morons drunk on their own fake virtue.

Diversity may be our strength, but it might be even a greater strength for the migrants.

Do irreconcilable cultural differences exist?

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Test Scores Are Misinformation

 Dig this.

CHICAGO (CITC) — The president of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) earlier this month called standardized testing a “junk science rooted in White supremacy."

Stacy Davis Gates said in an Aug. 5 interview with the Chicago-based radio station WVON that the exams originate from the early-20th century eugenics movement, which centered around the belief that segregation and social exclusion would rid society of people thought to be inferior.

“The way in which, you know, we think about learning and think about achievement is really and truly based on testing, which at best is junk science rooted in White supremacy,” she said.

Davis Gates added that standardized testing has been used to further claims that Black students are inferior.

When people talk to me about testing alone, you know, I have to trouble the waters and challenge that because you can’t test Black children with an instrument that was born to prove their inferiority,” she said.

This came on the heels for recent revelations about test scores in Chicago. Here are some stats from the 8th graders in Chicago. You'll need to click on the images to see them properly.

Less than 30% of black 8th graders are proficient in English. About 50% are effectively illiterate.

Less than 10% of black 8th graders are proficient at math. About 75% are innumerate.

Standardized tests are misinformation or racist or somehow deeply unjust is not an assertion that can survive even a few minutes of thought. For example, how is it that Asians, who come to this country with a completely different alphabet, can run rings around us all when it comes to these tests?

I've come to the conclusion that the recent push towards censorship from the Secular Left, where they complain about misinformation, is really just the standard totalitarian play where bad news is covered up with accusations of inaccuracy.

If things were going well, you wouldn't need to accuse people of misinformation. The proof of our Elites' success would be unmistakable in our lives. When they start complaining that the raw data is racist, you know things are going poorly for them.

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