Sunday, May 21, 2017

Curse You, Rationality

Data point #37,216 showing that post-modernism is a religion: Dig this synopsis of an article discussing common traits of those who reject feminism. Here's the payoff if you don't want to click.
The author argues that a regime of rationality still operates in the academy and is made evident when feminist course content is met with continual dismissal or disavowal.
The best part is that the article is in Science Direct, presumably a journal which embraces, you know, science. That it even deigns to publish something attacking rationality shows just how far down the rabbit hole we are.

Bonus phrase: "a regime of rationality still operates in the academy." Err, despite our best efforts?

Keep trying, post-modernists. We'll be sacrificing cows to propitiate the wind gods any day now, thanks to you!

Oh, wait. We already are.


tim eisele said...

"Science Direct, presumably a journal which embraces, you know, science"

Unless there is something else with the same name, Science Direct is not a journal. It is an indexing service operated by Elsevier, which covers several thousand journals. Many of which are good, but some of which are garbage. Appearing in Science Direct is no indication of quality or value, it just shows that it exists.

K T Cat said...

Thanks for looking that up. Elsevier is a search bot more than anything else.

Having said that, the "still" in the sentence is telling. There's a declared war on rationality now? Sheesh!