Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Is It The Lizards?

Of course it's the lizards. It's always the lizards. This post continues the series discussing sex, Sex, SEX! with another post about who is benefitting from the destruction of traditional romance. It's the lizards, you know.

In short, the lizards are wrecking women's lives and they don't care. More accurately, their worldview blinds them to what they're doing, but given the damage they're knowingly doing to children, even if they understood what was happening, they probably wouldn't care anyway.

The Lizard Empire

Long-term inmates of this asylum will recognize "the lizards" as shorthand for the Lizard Empire, referring to the cultural forces that serve our lizard brains, the primitive part of us that seeks only food, survival and sex. It uses the Roman Empire as an analog for the changes we're seeing in the culture as sexual fetishes become more common and normalized.

One of the reasons the Romans liked a big empire was that it pushed the borders, where lived dangerous barbarians, far, far away from them. The larger the Empire, the safer you were, no matter where you were. I'd like to suggest that Jeffrey Epstein, children in drag and trannies in the library are all part of the modern-day American cultural Empire. That is, acceptance of their behavior expands the empire by normalizing ever more degeneracy.

Remember, your behavior might be degenerate under some definition, but the farther out the borders go, the less degenerate you look.

Let's create a mapping for the map.

  • Rome is all acts acceptable to the Catholic Church.
  • Italia is all acts acceptable in America, circa, say, 2000 AD.
  • You, a person who likes to watch abusive threesomes online, are somewhere in Aquitania.
  • Epstein is just barely beyond the border of Dacia. When ABC spiked the Epstein story three years ago, that was an attempt to conquer that territory and make Epstein acceptable.
  • Trannies in the library are Brittania.
  • Desmond is Amazing, the 11-year-old who dresses in drag and performs in gay bars, is Mauretania.
  • Allowing children to choose their gender is Assyria.

In a previous post, we discussed how denial of sexual dimorphism and denial of biological reality are both corrupting the way the sexes relate and all the pathologies we're seeing today.

Sexual Dimorphism and Romance

(Emphasizing the physical differences between men and women) reveals the genius of the Arthurian romances. They are classics because they speak to this truth. A knight must choose between the atheist's route and simply dominating the lady as a stallion dominates a mare or allowing his spiritual nature to control his animal passions. In that case, he must prove to the lady that he will protect, provide and cherish her to the exclusion of all other women. That is romance. The ladies are the motivating forces in the stories while the knights are the active forces.

On the flip side, the women must attract and encourage the men. Given the self-denial required on the part of the men, the payoff in terms of the Horizontal Monkey Dance and the pleasure of having the lady by his side has got to outweigh the cost of his sacrifices. That manifests itself in allure, charm and praise. It's the Arthurian version of the three things men want from a woman: respect, admiration and sex. That, too, is romance.

Denial of Reality and Romance 

(Following a discussion of the transgender madness ...) Parents instinctively protect their offspring with vigor and sometimes violence. For some reason, tens of thousands of us have been psychologically altered in some way to not recognize obvious harm any more. Instead of fighting to defend our children from poisoning and mutilation, we actively support it.

It's not just that our culture has become evolutionarily inferior to others as evidenced by differences in fertility rates and population growth, it's that we are now actively fighting not only reproductive biology and sexual dimorphism, but reality itself.

A Sample of Degeneracy

Dig this, chosen at random.

I'd include more, but what's the point? They're all the same. The lizards are making a push to normalize pedophilia and with each assault, they gain more ground.

While the primary target here is children, women are collateral damage. In order to satisfy their sexual degeneracy, they have to knock out two key pillars of romance - sexual dimorphism and biological reality. It won't do them any good to knock them out locally, just within their social circle, they need to knock them out globally so they don't end up in jail. We all need to deny sexual realities.

It is in this fetid swamp that normal women, women who are driven to become wives and mothers because their biological urges aren't warped, must live. As the foundations of romance crumble, the chances for an average woman to live a happy, satisfied life do as well.

Who benefits from the destruction of traditional romance? The lizards.

Other Posts in this Series

Recapping recent blog posts, here's where we are so far:

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