Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Handing Live Grenades To Toddlers

Dig this desiccated hag going on about imprisoning people who disagree with her.

It's not worth going through all of her particular disinformationisms because they're so painfully obvious, even to the corporate media toadies interviewing her. The power lies not in the ability to put disinformationists in prison, but in the ability to define disinformation. She's so dim that she can't see a world where people like me will have the upper hand and, after a few years more of persecution, be all too willing to use that power on people like her.

External events being what they are, it's not too hard to project a near-future where the progressives are pariahs. Think about the spastic political shift that happened during the Great Depression. One day, the Republicans were riding high, the next, the Democrats had total control that lasted for decades.

The whole idea behind our system of government was to limit the government's power so we could prevent such tyrannies no matter who was in charge. As we discard that, we inch the grenades deeper and deeper into the day care play area.

Yeah, I know, ChatGPT messed up some of the faces, but the image was close enough. Whatever.

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Destruction Is The Plan

 I'm a broken record, but so what?

As the very word implies, "queer" does not name some natural kind or refer to some determinate object; it acquires its meaning from its oppositional relation to the norm. Queer is by definition whatever is at odds with the normal, the legitimate, the dominant. There is nothing in particular to which it necessarily refers. It is an identity without an essence. (Halperin, 1995, p. 62, italics in original) 

I've ranted many times before that there is no plan. The "multinationals" and "globalists" and, God help you if you believe this, "the Jews" are not trying to take over. There is no plan in that we're not going anywhere positive. Instead, the migrant crisis in Springfield, OH is the whole bonbon tè played out on a small stage. The goal isn't anything positive, the goal is the destruction of whatever systems, structures and culture currently exist. Destruction, the dominant progressives believe, will reduce injustice.

The destruction is the plan. Dig this.

No one on Earth thought bringing Haitians into any place in the US was going to make things better. Anyone who thought about it for even a few minutes knew 20,000 Haitians dumped into a town of 58,000 was going to be a catastrophe.

The catastrophe was the plan.

Sarah Hoyt has a good recent post on this.

Race means nothing. Culture means everything. And Haitian culture is horrible, coming from horrible circumstances and a horrible history. In fact, things have been bad for so long in Haiti that even attempts at turning it around are impossible. And would probably fail. The island has been a wreck and a charity case so long that there is no memory of a productive existence, anymore. (No, it’s not race. The Dominican Republic has the same racial composition and is not the same mess.)

Haitians are as close, at this point, to feral humans, as it’s possible to get. Worse, they’re referalized humans. Humans once civilized who have been forced by extreme circumstances, to shed their civilization. Which is much worse than being “just” savage or feral.

She adds this tidbit re: the shrieking about accusations that Haitians, who eat dirt in addition to dogs and cats back in their paradise home, are eating Americans' pets. It might just turn out to be prescient.

Monday, September 09, 2024

There Is No Plan For The "Migrants"

Absolutely none.

The town of Springfield, Ohio has a population of 58,000. Well, it had a population of 58,000. It now has a population of 78,000, thanks to the addition of 20,000 Haitians. Haiti is what it is due to the presence of large numbers of Haitians. Now, all the glories of that, err, diversity are coming to Springfield.

People are coming to the reasonable conclusion that it's probably time to leave.

It's not just the far-right white bigots who are having problems with the Haitians, it's also noble People of Color.

Meanwhile, Catholic Charities is up to its neck in this, slurping resettlement money from the government by the bucketful while preening about helping "migrants." Someone on X posted the latest cash figures from Catholic Charities in the area and the numbers were eye-watering. I don't have the info close to hand, but there it is.

Not to worry, our Church hierarchy is all over this, thundering from the pulpit that we need to ... I don't know, raise more cats to feed the Haitians?

There Is No Plan

Seriously, though, it's not hard to see where this is going. The place is going to fall to bits. Sure, the progressive Catholics flaunting their virtue will get government coin, but that's not the same thing as a sustainable plan. Just to take one aspect of it, how many teachers are going to stick around in the public school systems once Jean Philippe whips a fried cat sandwich out of his lunchbox? Given the levels of violence standard in Haiti, the schools will have to deal with an infantile intifada as well.

The demographics of the invasion force being what it is, it's a good bet that the majority of the 20,000 Haitians are military-age males. The demographics of Springfield's, err, indigenous tribes is something a bit more normal. The exodus from Springfield will begin soon and as people leave, it will pick up speed. Renters would be the first to skedaddle as they lose no fixed assets by moving.

After that, Catholic Charities and the other assorted lovers of all things migrantist will do ... what?

Well, they will probably watch Springfield go the way of Haiti.

Diversity, as you well know, makes us stronger.

Super Special Bonus Video

This was too surreal not to share.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

The Best Thing About Queer Theory

 ... is that you don't need to know much of anything. All you need to know is which groups are doing well and which are not. Nothing else matters.

Unlike gay identity, which, though deliberately proclaimed in an act of affirmation, is nonetheless rooted in the positive fact of homosexual object-choice, queer identity need not be grounded in any positive truth or in any stable reality. As the very word implies, "queer" does not name some natural kind or refer to some determinate object; it acquires its meaning from its oppositional relation to the norm. Queer is by definition whatever is at odds with the normal, the legitimate, the dominant. There is nothing in particular to which it necessarily refers. It is an identity without an essence. (Halperin, 1995, p. 62, italics in original) 

If a group is doing well, it is because the "system" and the "norms" were designed by them and favor them at the expense of the groups who are doing poorly. The exercise of group power is the only factor determining success or failure. To eliminate injustice, then, you only need to recognize who is doing well and then make every effort to tear down everything about them.

In Scotland, they recently had a rally against racism and hate. It featured the usual suspects - Affluent White Female Liberals (AWFLs) doing what they do best - making incoherent noise.

Meanwhile, the reality of the "migrants" is something a bit more complicated.

Queer Theory ensures that the AWFLs never need to reconcile their embrace of "migrants" and "diversity" with the realities of Islamic or African culture. All they need know is that white Europeans have done better than just about everyone else for centuries. That's it.

Queer Theory is enforced ignorance. It's why apostates like JK Rowling are immediately canceled. There isn't room for even a sliver of doubt. Feminists like Ayaan Hirsi Ali who grew up in Somalia and experienced the worst of Islam are silenced as much as possible. There is only one measure and one way of assigning blame. Success or failure at the group level is all that matters.

This is also why you see interviews with the college kids protesting for Hamas where they can't explain what "From the river to the sea" means geographically. What river? What sea? They don't know and they don't need to know. In fact, knowledge only gets in the way, clouding the issues with unnecessary details that obscure injustices.

Once you see that ignorance is essential to Queer Theory and Queer Theory dominates the progressive left, it all makes sense. In other posts, I've ranted that there is no plan and indeed there isn't. It's not about taking over the world or globalism or multinationals, it's all about the destruction of the very idea of "normal."

Saturday, September 07, 2024

It's Not Going To Be A Perpetual Revolution

 I know I've been using this quote a lot lately, but it's key to what we're seeing.

The goal is the destruction of the very concept of normalcy, a goal that can never be reached. The revolution is perpetual, it is the continual destruction of all stabilizing forces in society. The progressives believe that all stabilizing forces, i.e. "normalcy," were created by oppressors for the purpose of exploiting and oppressing the "marginalized."

There are three possibilities. 

  1. The marginalized have been oppressed by you because you're part of the systems of oppression.
  2. The marginalized are marginalized because they choose poorly in life and do things that lead to failure.
  3. Some combination of the above.

None of us live like 1 or 3 are true. For example, we try to show up on time at work. We do our best to obey traffic laws and we try not to ingest any more addictive substances than absolutely necessary.

OK, that last one is a bit of a reach for me, but you get what I'm saying. I don't have dentures because I never got to the point where I knocked my teeth out in the gutter during a particularly ferocious bender, so it's at least partially true even for me.

Because there are behaviors that lead to success - hard work, honesty, faithfulness, courage, honor - the people who practice those will always do better than the ones who do not. The "perpetual revolution" is really just one revolution - a fight against behaviors that lead to success. It will never end because the goal will continually recede. The more self-destructive behaviors you embrace, the farther ahead the Normals get.

This is not a picture of my addict brother's scrofulous, sore-encrusted legs and feet that I caressed as I sat by his bed in the hospital while he lay dying. Maybe that's because I got where I am by oppressing people like him.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Queering The State Department

 ... because "normal" doesn't exist.

The goal is the destruction of the very concept of normalcy, a goal that can never be reached. The revolution is perpetual, it is the continual destruction of all stabilizing forces in society. The progressives believe that all stabilizing forces, i.e. "normalcy," were created by oppressors for the purpose of exploiting and oppressing the "marginalized."

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

I'm Now Officially Spooked

It's time to get serious about getting a place in Dixie.

Tren de Aragua in an international, organized crime syndicate based out of Venezuela. When Biden and Harris opened our borders, units from Tren de Aragua entered. They're in all of the big sanctuary cities, but it seems like Denver and its suburbs have gotten the very worst of it.

The women of Denver and Aurora have noticed. Denver, it's worth noting, has the highed number of illegals per capita of any major city in the US.

Now I understand that she's white, so she's naturally a racist and her opinions aren't all that helpful. Let's see if we can find a person of color to discuss it.

Hmm. Is it really that bad? Isn't San Diego relatively safe?

Out in Jamul, those "migrants" aren't families with precious, delightful moppets and tenderhearted, if a bit rotund, mamacitas. Those are almost certainly all military-aged single males trying to hop on that bus. It's OK, though, the blues that run San Diego have a solution. They told the bus drivers not to stop there any more. Problem solved!

The Tipping Point

All of that is undoubtedly fascinating, but it still wasn't enough to completely spook me. This was what tipped me over the edge.

Dig the way they've got a security man on the job covering any place a homeowner might emerge. The dude has an assault rifle at the ready. He clearly knows how to use it.

That's it. I'm done. I can't cope with that. This isn't disorganized, low-IQ dingbats robbing your house. These aren't American citizens with biometrics on file with the cops and addresses where the cops can find them if there's a murder charge. These are ghosts. We don't know who they are, where they live, what they look like, what their fingerprints look like, who their friends or kinfolk are and on top of that, they're working with military precision.

If wife kitteh hears a noise in the night and I walk downstairs into that, I'm dead. Period, end of story. Those guys won't hesitate to shoot to kill. That's what they do and since they're illegals, there's no downside because there's no way the cops can ever find them.

Also, there is no way on Earth that Tren de Aragua is the only newly-imported gang operating in the US.

Bonus Tidbit

A whole lot of men are going to die before this is over. That's OK, though. It will reduce our surplus toxic masculinity, right?

The Venezuelan street gang Tren de Aragua is believed to have given what authorities are calling the "green light" to attack and kill police officers, federal authorities have warned.

A bulletin by the Colorado Information Analysis Center, a screenshot of which was shared with Fox News Digital, warns that a police department in New Mexico have received information from federal partners that members have been encouraged to attack police officers in Denver.

Jamul Update

One of my fellow San Diego bloggers texted me with this bit of information from Jamul where she lives. 

My friend's grandson was on one of the school busses in Jamul. She told me the kids are really shook up and traumatized by what happened in Jamul. Sheriffs now escorting school busses.

I'm glad the sheriffs are escorting the school busses. It will give them something to do. 

Late Update From Aurora, Colorado

The blue state authorities are not on your side.

Letters obtained by The Denver Gazette from the law firm representing CBZ Management — whose apartment complex in Aurora was shut down over what the city described as safety issues last month — show officials were fully aware weeks ago of accusations that a Venezuelan gang had “forcibly taken control” of the property.

In an Aug. 28 letter to Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser, the law firm wrote that CBZ Management had been informed that “Aurora Multi-Family Projects have been forcibly taken control of by gang(s) that have immigrated here from Venezuela.”

Aurora officials initially dismissed the company's claims publicly, calling them "diversionary tactics" and "alternative narratives." The issue, the city insisted, was the numerous violations of the local government's code.

Officials have since walked back those claims back.

The Aurora complexes affected by gangs — based on reports — included The Aspen Grove, Whispering Pines and The Edge at Lowry.

Last week, the city acknowledged that authorities earlier arrested a "documented" Tren de Aragua gang member — twice — over a shooting incident and a separate case in which a man was badly beaten at another apartment complex. After the first arrest, that gang member, court documents revealed, was released on a bond. 

Monday, September 02, 2024

Building A Whole-Garage Fan

 ... when you're lazy and your ladder is too short.

In the desert, not only can you not remember your name (IYKYK), you also experience wild swings in temperature throughout a 24-hour period. With no cloud cover, days are hot and nights are cold. Your garage stores that heat during the day and then acts as a radiator throughout the night, making your AC run harder.

I've always loved the idea of having a whole-house fan, which draws in cool evening air from downstairs and displaces hot, attic air, but the geometry of our upstairs attic and ceilings won't permit one. Our garage, however, is a different breed of cat. We have a pair of operable skylights in the garage which would work nicely as a cooling system if I just put a big fan in one or both of them. The garage roof slopes down from the roof of our second story, so those skylights are a good 20' off the ground. No problem, right?

I bought an inexpensive, big fan with plans to build a simple, wooden frame for it, mount it in one of the skylights and power it from the lines that feed the garage lights and door opener. I got my brand-new extension ladder down from its mount on the wall, extended it all the way and ... it was too short to reach the frame of the skylights.


I hadn't thought about measuring the distance up to the skylights when I bought the thing, so I got the medium-sized one which seemed large enough. Hmm. What to do?

After pondering renting a cherry picker or some such hoist, it dawned on me that it didn't matter where the fan was so long as cool air was drawn into the garage. My first experiment turned out to be the only one I needed. I cracked the garage door open about 15", placed the fan in front of the gap and turned it on once the outdoor air had cooled. Voila! I had a whole-garage fan!

I recently bought one more SensorPush temperature and humidity sensor and placed it on the side yard in perpetual shade. Here's what it read during my experiment.

You'll probably need to click on the image to get a good look at it.

You can see the knee in the curve at the far right hand side. That corresponds to the activation of the fan. It worked like a charm.

Right now, the system is still manual. Whenever I want to turn it on, I need to crack open the garage door and put the fan in the right place. I don't have any vents into the garage on the ground level, so unless I cut up the walls, I can't make it automatic. The other downside is that with the garage door open like that, snakes can get into the garage, something they've done in the past.

Anywho, I now have a whole-garage fan, albeit a clumsy, manual one.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Beneath The Tennessee Stars - A Romance For The Ages! Now With Extra Marmots!

 I couldn't help it. I was having another conversation with ChatGPT and things got out of control. We generated this dust jacket blurb and cover art for a bodice-ripper novel about ... well, you'll see.

"Beneath the Tennessee Stars"

In the shadow of the Smoky Mountains, where the wild calls and the earth sings, comes a tale as untamed as the land itself. Buck "Bucky" McGraw, a grizzled marmot trainer from the heart of East Neephus, Tennessee, is a man of simple pleasures—cold beer, the roar of a diesel engine, and the loyal gaze of his prized marmots. A man who knows his place in the world, where the soil runs red and the air is thick with the scent of pine and hard work.

But fate, with all its cruel humor, has other plans.

Enter Willow Rainwater, the fiercely independent owner of an organic, feminist co-op in the heart of Portland, Oregon. With her wild, windswept hair, kale-green eyes, and a soul as deep as the Pacific, Willow has dedicated her life to sustainable living, gender equality, and the preservation of the planet. She’s the kind of woman who eats quinoa for breakfast, protests pipelines in the afternoon, and leads yoga classes under the full moon.

Their worlds couldn’t be further apart—until a chance encounter throws them together in the unlikeliest of places. When Willow finds herself stranded in Tennessee, far from the safety of her urban jungle, surrounded by marmots, she’s forced to rely on the rugged charm and unrefined wisdom of Bucky. As sparks fly and tempers flare, neither can deny the primal pull of desire that threatens to consume them both.

He’s a man of rodents and the earth, rough and raw, unyielding in his ways. She’s a woman of ideals, soft yet unbreakable, determined to change the world. But when love strikes, all bets are off.

Can they overcome their differences and find common ground? Or will the gap between their worlds be too wide to bridge?

Prepare yourself for a whirlwind of passion, romance and heart in "Beneath the Tennessee Stars" — where opposites not only attract but collide, leaving nothing but fire and fury in their wake. It’s a tale as old as time, with a twist as fresh as the mountain air. Love, after all, knows no bounds — not even those of a redneck marmot trainer and an organic, feminist co-op owner.

A sure-fire best seller!