
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Thick Insulation And Sex

Pondering how we've managed to so totally screw up something as basic as sex, Sex, SEX!, I came across this video.

What is notable about this video is not that men no longer defend women, that is common enough. What is notable about this video is the same thing as was notable about the story of Jacob Blake's baby mama.

Here's the full story on Jacob Blake's pre-shooting romp in Kenosha. I'm not excerpting it here because it's filthy. Suffice it to say, Jacob criminally trespassed in his ex-girlfriend's house, sexually assaulted her and tried to steal her car. She called 911 and set the final act of that tragedy in motion. Note that said girlfriend also claimed that Jacob had beat her in the past, hence his record of domestic violence.

These women live in a world poorly insulated from the primal reality that shaped Sir Thomas Mallory's Le Morte D'Arthur where women viscerally understand that they are weak. They (ladies in Mallory) need and crave men (knights) who will protect them. The people who sculpt our culture* are well-insulated by money, position and power from that reality. For the most part, academics, entertainers, politicians and activists do not inhabit a world where women being assaulted in their homes and on the streets is commonplace.

Elite women are indeed protected by strong men, but those men are invisible, over the horizon from the AWFLs (Affluent White Female Liberals) who shape our culture. The AWFLs drastically undervalue men, hence our modern culture's deformities.

The culture they shaped is a fantasy of rainbows and unicorns, far distant from physical threats. AI (ChatGPT for me) is the embodiment of that culture. It's been created from modern texts from which it developed its statistical tables. The fact that AI could not write a decent Arthurian story to save it's life is an indication that our culture is based on whimsy and delusion instead of primal reality.

As an aside, I inhabit that same insulated world. For example, the spasm of inflation we experienced over the last two years because we printed money and handed it out did not change my behaviors one iota. Wife kitteh and I absorbed that shock almost without noticing it. Further, we don't live anywhere near a high-crime area and have no need to visit them.

The primal world is still reality. Power and money insulate you, but only for a time. The demographic shifts in Britain where several of their major cities are turning Muslim are starting to cause all kinds of problems for them. Their recent efforts at totalitarian control of all media are indicators that things are falling apart. If their diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) model of the world was accurate, things would be getting better as they experienced more diversity in the form of a Muslim and African invasion. They aren't, so evidence of the decline must be suppressed.

You can deny reality, but eventually it will break through your walls and your fantasies will come crashing down.

In a previous post, I suggested that bitter, angry lesbians have shaped a culture inimical to the average woman. Ordinary girls are told to get a career and not bother about marriage until they're much older. Time works in opposite directions for men and women. A man in his 30s is more attractive than a man in his 20s because he is more experienced, more competent and wealthier. A woman in her 30s is less attractive that a woman in her 20s because her youthful body is aging.

The angry, bitter lesbians are insulated from those calculations for obvious reasons.

Further, the cultural sculptors are insulated from knowing women who have been assaulted on trains, in the street and in their homes by violent men. Yes, you may know one or two, but it's not happening on a weekly basis and certainly not often enough for you to suggest, horror of horrors, that women need the protection of a devoted and powerful man.

I watched a video on Twitter showing defensive moves a woman might take if a man attacked her from behind. It was properly mocked in the replies. A woman being attacked by a man from behind is simply screwed, perhaps in more ways than one. Some suggested that she needed to carry a gun. I thought that was naive. Women being attacked typically react with terror and confusion. They're not designed to cope with raw, masculine aggression. She didn't need a gun, she needed a man.

Again, that's not a world our Elites inhabit and so they're free to invent all manner of self-destructive fantasies to impose on the Normals. Women have born the brunt of those fantasies, as evidenced by all kinds of social science data.

In the end, everything passes, especially fantasies. This one, the one that has done so much damage to our romantic relations, is on its way out as well.

Things change when the primal world leaks into the Elites' cocoon. Here, a Muslim "migrant" attacked a German citizen. A German cop tried to arrest the German for resisting the "migrant" because that's what DEI required of him. The Muslim, living in the primal world, then stabbed the cop. The British women of London are experiencing the same sort of thing. The layers of insulation are breaking down to expose the delusional nature of our modern culture of romance.

* - Cultural sculptors is a nice turn of phrase, no?

Other Posts in this Series

Recapping recent blog posts, here's where we are so far:

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