Sunday, June 30, 2024

There's A Tiger Loose In My House. How Will This Affect Joe Biden's Campaign?

The grandkittens are here today, so this will be short.

Following Biden's dementia-saturated performance art piece, the news media is obsessed with how it will affect his campaign. Will he be replaced? How? With whom? Will he stay in the race? Can he recover and still beat Trump?

This is like having a tiger loose in your house and worrying about how it will affect a wealthy politician in another city. Err, maybe you ought to worry about whether or not you will survive.

Biden has had dementia this whole time. The press knew it all along. They've been gaslighting us for more than 3 years now and after the debate, everyone can see it. To protect Biden, they have taken whatever was left of their credibility and incinerated it.

Their concern ought to be with their future employment situation, not Biden's campaign. What's the point in tuning into a news program that deliberately hides the news?

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