Sunday, June 16, 2024

Education Is Free?

I just got back from Dixie and it's Father's Day, which means I get to cook whatever I want. I've got a full day ahead, so this will be short.

Dig this.

The lousy test scores are dominated by horrific performance among black students. Like it is in Baltimore, which is a city run top to bottom by blacks.

If every time the education budget was increased, we each needed to write a check to the city to pay for it, we'd have gone completely nonlinear over this long ago. Instead, a decent chunk of it is paid with borrowed money our children and grandchildren will have to repay.

The destruction of a generation of black children is happening, in part, because the rest of us are living in a fantasy world made from borrowed money. It doesn't impact our wallets, it just impacts the lives of people we will probably never meet.

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