Friday, October 04, 2024

Things Won't Break Evenly

These kinds of things are happening all over the Western world as we go through spasms of our Elites' self-hatred.

I've been following developments in England and Ireland as well and it's the same thing there. They may not have hurricanes, but they're each experiencing other crises. While their governments prioritize the illegals, the citizens go begging.

Self-hatred is not a sustainable policy, no matter what Angela Merkel wants.

Pope Francis isn't far behind.

“All religions are paths to God. I will use an analogy, they are like different languages that express the divine.”

All religions are paths to God? What in heaven's name is he talking about?

The Pope is telling us that there's no real reason to be Catholic, Merkel was telling her citizens to be ashamed of being German and in England, you're far more likely to face charges if you're waving the Union Jack than if you're waving the flag of Gaza. Here in the US, FEMA has spent the money we gave it on the illegals.

Incoherent, self-destructive principles such as the ones underlying all of this self-hatred cannot be followed forever. Someone is going to break, hard and soon. As Douglas Murray has said, our Elites can be masochists for a while, but eventually they're going to meet a sadist. If I had to put money on who's going to be the first to collapse, I'd either bet on England or one of our big, blue cities.

Things breaking unevenly will be good for the rest of us. Some of us won't be as far gone as the others and will have time and resources to turn things around.

Even if Kamala is elected president, I'd still put my money on America surviving this particular cultural epileptic fit.

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