Sunday, January 14, 2024

Trump: The Wrong Guy At The Wrong Time

 I spent the day helping middle son kitten with some handyman tasks and before that, I haven't had the time to blog, but I just wanted to put this one out there.

Donald Trump as a candidate is primal scream therapy for the right. He is the embodiment of our rage against the corrupt news media, the incompetent expert class and the neo-Nazi education industry.

Righteous anger is all good fun until you're hitting serious troubles and then it actively prevents working on solutions.

Our deficit is running at close to $2T a year and our debt is eye-popping.

At no point in time has Trump shown that he even understands the problem, much less that he's got any kind of a path to getting it under control. He can, however, tell you in great detail who has said nice things about him.


Two of our most important cities, NYC and Chicago, are drowning in illegals. There is a massive reservoir of illegals still at or near the border that will have to drain somewhere and Chicago and NYC will get a substantial number of them. They can't go anywhere else. The rural states have no conceivable way to take them.

Illegals have already drained both cities of any discretionary funds they might have had for years to come. They can't find housing for them. Both cities' police forces are severely undermanned at the same time.

This is not a time for childish name-calling and neurotic loyalty tests. As an aside, Vivek has now been cast out of MAGA for being insufficiently loyal.

There are plenty more issues besides these. I get that Trump is a massive middle finger to the corrupt and degenerate left, but we don't need middle fingers right now. We need opposable thumbs.


Chuck Pergiel said...

He might be our only chance to break the Democrat-mafia's lock on the levers of power. Schedule F might help.

tim eisele said...

Yes, this. Trump's primary skill is making people mad. He has no skill at persuading people to actually cooperate with him. If he is "on your side", all that means is that he will antagonize and galvanize your opponents to fight against whatever you wanted to do. He is possibly more of a danger to the people who think he is their ally, than their nominal enemies are.

Trump is the only reason why Biden won the presidency, Biden would most likely have lost against almost anyone else. If Biden wins a second term, it will be because Trump handed the election to him by alienating so many people.

Mostly Nothing said...

I have 2 hopes in this election. They don't necessarily agree with each other.

First, I seem to like Nikki Haley. She isn't perfect, but I think that DeSantis is almost as antagonizing to leftists as Trump. It won't take much to get them in a lather to oppose everything he says.

Second, is the No Labels party. If they actually come up with a platform and candidates that do what they say they want to do.