Saturday, November 18, 2023

Thomas Sowell's Secret

 ... is that he does straightforward research and follows the truth wherever it leads him. It struck me that Sowell is simply an honest intellectual. That he is unusual is an indication of where we are.


tim eisele said...

That's a good video. Nice, clear, calmly presented, and makes sense. I went ahead and ordered the book it is an excerpt from.

I'm not sure why it is titled "The Surprising Truth Behind The Disunity Among Indians", though, since it was pretty much in line with what I learned about US history. Unless it is now "surprising" that someone would make a video that is clear, calm, and makes sense.

Ilíon said...

==I'm not sure why it is titled "The Surprising Truth Behind The Disunity Among Indians", though ...==

I can think of two possibilities:

1) This is the YT channel which *always* posts excerpts of reading from Sowell's books with click-bait titles.

2) I've confused this channel for the click-bait one, and the owner means it's "surprising" in the sense that most young people Have No Idea (nor honest desire to know) how savage we (*) were.

(*) I'm playing up my quantum of Indian ancestry here. Obviously, I'm a culturally a product of Anglo-American civilization and more than happy to be so.