Sunday, October 15, 2023

The Calls For Genocide Are Coming From Inside The House

Those who do not learn history are condemned to be replaced by larger, faster-breeding populations of savages. 

Dig this.

All of this was perfectly predictable and, in fact, predicted by people like Mark Steyn. There are more of them than there are of you and they have more babies than you do. If you open your country to them, they will take over.

What we're learning the hard way here is that Team Faculty Lounge's historical illiteracy, where they closed their eyes to any atrocities save those committed by white men, led to self-destructive behavior on the parts of the Europeans and, to a lesser extent, Americans.

"Diversity is our strength" is based on the nonsense notion that diverse cultures are only revealed in skin color, music and cuisine. In fact, diverse cultures are more distinctly manifested in violence, hatred and the thirst for power.

Well, we've got the diversity we were told we should want if we didn't want to be racists. I'm at a loss as to how to get rid of it.

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