
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Wake Riding Dolphins

Yesterday, the kids and I went whale watching. This time, instead of seeing nothing but fog, we saw lots of cool stuff. I'll be posting photos from the trip throughout the day. Here, a bunch of dolphins are riding our wake. Our naturalist guide from Scripps Institute of Oceanography identified them, but I was too busy snapping photos and don't remember what she called them. Oh well.


  1. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Was this some sort of warranty thing from the boat company ("we'll keep taking you out until we find a whale") or are you such the optimist that you decided to pay again?


  2. No, it was a rain check for the fog. They don't guarantee that you will see a whale, but the young woman from Scripps told me that they had not had a whale-less trip since the first week in December. They won't give rain checks for not seeing whales, but they do give them if you can't see anything at all.
