
Wednesday, January 08, 2025

The Comanche Revisted

Three more data points. The first seems to come from Sweden.

Oof. No, I didn't look up the studies, but I've seen other studies for real that show the same thing from several different European countries.

The second is a snippet from a conversation between Jordan Peterson and Piers Morgan. Jordan's solution, an international symposium on Islam, is typical Jordan for those rare times when he makes a mistake - useless eggheadery, but within the conversation is the staggering stat that in some British towns where the industrial-scale rape of white, British girls was being done by the Muslim men, about 1 in 7 Muslim men were participating. 1 in 7? That's insane. Everyone in the Muslim community knew about the rape gangs. Everyone.

The last is this story from a divorced father describing his unsuccessful efforts to keep his autistic daughter out of the hands of the local Muslim grooming gang.

Don't you think he had better things to do with his life than try to protect his little girl from a pack of imported savages?

It's analogous to the problem faced by the settlers on the frontier dealing with the Comanche. It was enough for them to try to support their family by dry-dirt farming, plowing behind a mule, building nearly everything by hand and preparing nutritious, locally-sourced, sustainable, organic food. At some point in time, they lost interest in trying to figure out if the paleolithic savages nearby were going to steal their livestock, burn their farm to the ground, rape their women and kill them or not. Sufficient unto the day is staving off starvation and avoiding freezing to death. They didn't need to add the Comanche, Apache or similar brutes for whom stealing, raping and murdering was both recreational and career-enhancing.

It is impractical to expect the general populace to spend their time and energy managing an alien culture whose attitude towards infidel women is akin to wolves sizing up lambs. In the end, the solution the locals will choose may well be efficient and callous.

There's also a cost-benefit trade-off to the accuracy of the civilized guy's assessment. If the (Muslim, American Indian) is a ruthless savage and you incorrectly classify him as (moderate, peaceful), your women get raped. That's going to bias the assessments in a strongly negative direction. All the finger-wagging in the world from the protected, pampered multiculturalists isn't going to make a difference.

Summarizing with a self-quote, from this post comes this final section.

Sarah Hoyt, Revisited

Going back to the Instapundit post by Sarah that motivated my dive into Comanche history, this quote keeps coming to mind.

(After a deep dive into African history), what became very clear to me is that whenever civilized (in this case defined as post-tribal) humans collide with tribal humans, tribal humans lose. (The tribal people) use the techniques that work in between tribes, imagining that their adversaries are also a tribe:

They start off with unimaginable massacres and horrible evil in the belief that this will cause the adversaries to back off... (T)he more atrocities they commit the more they aggravate the anger of the civilized people.

The civilized hold back, afraid of committing atrocities, and the tribal humans commit more atrocities, and act like victors, while doing truly horrific things.

And then at some point the post-tribal people lose it.

What comes after is usually horrific and causes college social studies majors to cry centuries later.

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