
Friday, June 28, 2024

Peak Incineration


That had to be peak incineration last night. It's one thing for our institutions to self-destruct by telling blatant lies, it's another to have a massive fraud at the highest levels made so blindingly obvious that no one can deny it any more.

Earlier this week, the NYT ran a story talking about how the islands in the Pacific that were supposed to be underwater by now because of Global Warming Climate Change are actually larger than before. The climate community regularly sets itself on fire like that. It's not that surprising. It happens every day to all kinds of allegedly respectable organizations.

That's bad, but this is way worse.

Authoritative Voices Pouring Gasoline On Themselves

Throwing Lit Matches At Last Night's Debate

More Lit Matches At Today's Biden Rally

What a horror show.

1 comment:

  1. I really feel sorry for the guy. This is elder abuse. He's been President, or the world isn't fully destroyed, but he helped it on the way. Let him be, he deserves to be retired.

    I deserve to be retired too.

    This is elder abuse. The country needs to put us baby boomers out to pasture and get on with it.

    We seriously need age limits for President, Supreme court, cabinet, congress and football coaches. Probably around 72.
