
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

If Today Is Bad

... tomorrow will probably be worse.

Dig this and ponder the implications of it if you lived there.

Ignore the holiest shrine stuff and just think about what it's like to be a resident of Knock. After all, there are lots and lots of places like Knock all over the West these days.

At first, you might think that the police and the authorities will protect you. After all, there are laws and rules. Then you find out that the laws and rules don't really apply to the "migrants." Over time, more "migrants" come to your village / town / city. They go from 10 to 20 to 30% of the population. As they become more numerous, they become bolder. Perhaps your gay friend's favorite hangout doesn't fly the Pride flag any more. Perhaps your daughter or wife get harassed on the street.

You start to wonder where this is going. Your faith in the authorities is tested when a young woman is gang raped by a group of "migrants" in a nearby village and you hear that the cops and courts only handed out minor sentences if they did anything at all. 

A court in Germany has sentenced only one of nine men for raping and sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl to time behind bars.

According to reports in German media, an Iranian man was sentenced last week to two years and nine months in juvenile detention for the crimes committed three years ago at a Hamburg park during COVID-19 restrictions.

The others convicted of rape — filmed twice during separate assaults — received suspended sentences of one to two years. Four were identified as German, while the others have Armenian, Afghan, Kuwaiti and Montenegrin citizenship, reports said.

The trial heard DNA evidence connected the nine accused to the crime.

At some point, you can see where this is all headed. The authorities do not have your back. The cops are not there to protect you. If you and your friends want to make a stand and get the "migrants" out of your village, you won't ever have better odds than you do today because every month more and more arrive, brought in by the authorities.

You're left with 5 choices.

  1. Wait for things to get better. The authorities will have to eventually take care of their constituents, right?
  2. Deny that anything is actually changing and if it is, diversity makes you stronger, right?
  3. Vote! Elect someone who says they will take care of it. After you vote, go to option 1.
  4. Move away. Things are getting worse all the time. It's not just that you'll never have better odds than you do right now, it's also that your property values will never be higher than they are right now.
  5. Stand and fight. Get some of the lads together and bust heads until the "migrants" can see they're not welcome. This decision would need to be made when the odds are 9-1 or so because the "migrants" are mostly young men while your population includes women, children and the elderly. A 9-1 ratio really works out to about 1-1 once you exclude non-combatants.

If you flee this time, where will you make your stand?

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