
Saturday, March 09, 2024

Anti-Pro-Anti Truffle Piggery

Yesterday, we discussed how the racial justice racket is turning us all into delusional truffle pigs, endlessly on the hunt for fantasy racism. The People of Color get rewarded with praise, cosseting and perks. The whites who are their "allies" get praise and a brief frisson of pleasure from exhibiting their fake virtue.

Not only are their no rewards for completely eliminating racism, there are actual disincentives for it. The moment the university says we're all equal and we're all individuals made in the image of God, the blacks' gravy train comes to an end and the whites have to go back to real accomplishments. Ick! We like gravy! We like party-game scavenger hunts where we get praised for finding little odds and ends!

In order to get the joke in the title of this blog post, you need to watch this short bit from Get Smart.

Some people, disgusted with the racism racket, post videos of blacks behaving badly on Twitter. There are many very popular accounts that do nothing but share videos of blacks fighting, shooting, stealing and slutting. Here's a good example.

They're truffle pigs, too.

In The Future, Everyone Will Be A Truffle Pig For 15 Minutes

Or maybe longer. Perhaps much, much longer.

The racial justice crew has been incentivized to find racism everywhere when, in fact, it exists almost nowhere. People sick of being accused of racism they don't have are now incentivized to find videos of blacks behaving badly and share them as fast as they can. "You think I'm a racist? Well, gag on this, you swine!"

There are truffle pigs. Then there are anti-truffle pigs. That gives rise to pro-anti-truffle pigs who use the anti-truffle pigs as examples of real racism. That engenders anti-pro-anti truffle pigs who show how the truffle pigs are just gravy-sucking pigs as in the gravy train that is our cultural racial rewards machine. If you ever wanted to turn a population against itself in a frenzy of racial hatred, this is how to do it.

Meanwhile, nothing much is happening. If you turn off the TV and social media and just hang out with real people, racism is pretty hard to find.

Hmm. There might be a key to a happier life in all that ...

1 comment:

  1. Democrats and other commies in Nebraska are clutching their pearls as they pretend to be psychically hurt and morally offended because a GOP Nebraska State Senator read a "rape scene" from an obscene book which the Democrats and other commies insist must be in school libraries and in the hands of school children. While reading the passage, he substituted the name of one of the defenders of this smut. Oh! The humanity!

    Here's MSNBC's disingenuous reporting on it --
