
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Moral Chaos Comes To Denver And Rome

Yesterday, the Colorado Supreme Court decided that they didn't like Donald Trump so he wasn't allowed to run for president in Colorado. That really was the full body of their decision. Trump hasn't been convicted of anything yet so there was no triggering event for the decision. They just felt better for doing it.

KT's Moral Chaos Hypothesis scores again.

KT's Moral Chaos Hypothesis: People with power, whether that is economic, political or (para-)military, lost their Christian moral foundations a while back. They're only now realizing that a majority of the population has lost them as well. That means that all bets are off. There are absolutely no boundaries to behavior any more. Money, sex, power, it's all up for grabs and you'd be a fool not to take what you want.

Not KT's Moral Chaos Hypothesis: There is no cabal of the powerful guiding anything in any direction in particular. It looks like that from time to time because the interests of some subset of the powerful align temporarily and they all pull in the same direction. Instead, it's all Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX everywhere.

More KT's Moral Chaos Hypothesis: There's no moral grounding to what is happening. In fact, it's the lack of a moral grounding that is at the heart of my hypothesis.

In Rome, Papa Francis went all in on sexual degeneracy. Oh sure, his decree said that gay couples can get blessings in some informal, spontaneous way which doesn't celebrate the sin and blah blah blah, but that was all utter nonsense. Anyone can get a spontaneous blessing any time from a priest. That includes gays. It's not a big deal unless you walk up to the Holy Dude loudly proclaiming the righteousness of your sins. The only reason the pope called out the LGBTQWERTY stuff was that he wants to normalize it.

Hey man, there are no rules. If you doubt that, dig what the pope's Jesuit henchman, Father James Martin, a pervert of biblical proportions, did almost immediately after the pope's announcement.

That's a married gay couple, holding hands with a photographer and NYT reporter present. The pope's own main man on LGBTQWERTY just did an end zone dance right in front of the Catholic laity.

Not to worry, I have no doubt that from our pulpits, the demoralized pew-sitters will get a steady stream of "God is love" pablum until the cows come home and James Martin has sex with them.

On the southern border, there are no more rules than there were last week.

All of this is happening because it makes some of us feel good, temporarily. There's no immediate price to be paid so feeling good isn't being balanced out with pipers who are demanding payment.

I need to wander off and do some odds and ends, so let's just sum it all up with another quote from the blog post linked above.

Who cares (how much it all costs in terms of money and Americans unable to find decent jobs)? It's all printed anyway! Either our children will pay for it in the form of a larger debt or the blue-collar deplorables will pay for it in the form of inflation. Absent an objective moral structure to guide decisions, there's absolutely no reason to care about either the children or the working class.

1 comment:

  1. The sub-headline is a lie! Biden doesn't do *nothing* -- he orders federal agents to *remove* the make-shift blockades that border State governors try to place to somewhat stem the flood.

    As I have done before, I encourage the reader to read about the "Green March" -- the non-military invasion by which Morocco conquered the (former) Spanish Sahara.
