
Thursday, July 14, 2022

Berkeley Isn't A Campus, It's A Mental Hospital

Dig this exchange between Senator Josh Hawley and Berkeley law professor Khiara Bridges.

Here's the transcript, translated into standard English, not using any of Khiara's made-up words and fantasy concepts.

JOSH HAWLEY: Professor Bridges, you said several times, you've used a phrase I want to make sure I understand what you mean by it. You've referred to people with a capacity for pregnancy. Would that be women?

KHIARA BRIDGES: Many women, can get pregnant. Many can't. Some women who dress like men, take testosterone injections and get their breasts cut off can get pregnant. Women who like sex with men, women, the beasts of the field and the birds of the air can get pregnant, too.

JOSH HAWLEY: So your view is that the core of this right then is about what?

KHIARA BRIDGES: I won't answer that because you are crazy. You have an irrational fear of women who take massive doses of wrong-sex hormones and get body parts amputated. You want them hurt.

JOSH HAWLEY: Wow, you're saying that I'm opening up people to violence by asking whether or not women are the folks who can have pregnancies?

KHIARA BRIDGES: One out of five women who are jacked up to the eyeballs on vitamin T and voluntarily have had radical, double mastectomies have attempted suicide.

JOSH HAWLEY: Because of my line of questioning?

KHIARA BRIDGES: Because when you come across these women you try to walk through them like they weren't even there. When they talk, you pretend not to hear them.

JOSH HAWLEY: I'm denying that trans people exist by asking--

KHIARA BRIDGES: Yes. Also, I'm a wildebeest. My pronouns are grunt / snorf.


  1. I think you made a couple of small errors there in your ‘transcription’ (is that a crisption changing genders?). Anyways, I think you are still more accurate than the White House’s transcription of Brandon saying “End of quote. Repeat the line.”

    Also UC Berkeley isn’t just a Mental Hospital. It is a Mental Hospital where the lunatics run the place and the sane are blamed for not ‘understanding’ how their refusal to join in the delusion is ‘violence’.

  2. KT, I like your "transcription".
