
Saturday, February 12, 2022

Swimming For Penn While Wearing A Leather Dog Costume

Yesterday, we discussed this.

His name is Sam Brinton. He's a mediumwig at the DoE. On the plus side, he's the one holding the leash, not the one in the leather dog costume.

Now, let's expand to this.

This is Will Thomas. He was a swimmer on the Penn men's team. He's now pretending to be a woman and wants you to call him Lia. Unable to think of a reason why not, Penn lets him swim on the girls' team. In swim meets, he's mopping the bottom of the pool with the girls.

Once we ditched the idea that there is an objectively correct, ordered relationship between men and women, complete with expectations, roles and behaviors, all fetishes were destined to become acceptable. In other words, the open-minded and compassionate women on the Penn swim team did this to themselves.

From yesterday's post about Captain Kink in the DoE:

And why not? Those are the fruits of Obergfell. What is wrong with Sam doing ... err, whatever it is he's doing there? There was always only one guardrail when it came to sex and that was how babies were made. Once we ditched that, bestiality, pretend-bestiality in this case, and pedophilia were the inevitable, logical future steps for the simple reason that we can't explain why it's wrong.

There is a tension between individual freedoms and the best interests of society. From Will's point of view, what harm is there in him wearing a dress and using the pronouns she/her/crazy? It didn't hurt me, I don't even know the nut. It has hurt the women on the swim team as they now have to compete with a man. Good luck with that, ladies. You're on your own because we're looking at this from an individual point of view. We can't help you without appearing to hate Will.

Sam and Will are just two, small examples of the much larger tarpit we've fallen into by embracing complete sexual freedom.

Out on the Interweb Tubes, conservatives are hyperventilating about the whack job in the top photo being given a corner office in a DoE building. He must be some kind of security risk! Nah. He's not any more of a security risk than the straight-laced Presbyterian dude in the corner office one floor down.

The problem with the LGBTQWERTY normalization is not the individual fetishists or even their possible victims. Heck, most of them don't have victims at all. No, the problem is what has happened to the sexual health of society. We aren't forming families through marriage and we're not having children. Women are experiencing increases in anxiety and depression. Those are clear signs of a society in distress.

As much fun as it is to laugh at the Penn swimmers and mock them for choosing the form of their destructor, it's the rest of us that deserve the mocking.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't Title IX need to get involved here?

    What if we eliminated men's and women's sports and just had sports. And because ability and achievement are not equitable we must have strict quotas on the the roster. 50-50 (biological) male-female. And we must have racial equity, so each and every roster must be represent the actual ratio of all the races. That's world wide not local; we recognize no borders, that's not equitable.

    You know, it's not equitable that only 5 persons are on the court in basketball, or 6 in hockey. Also, penalties, fouls, expectation of good behavior, those all have to go.
