
Friday, February 11, 2022

No Guardrails, No Problem With Leather Dog Costumes

Programming Note: It are my blogiversary today! 16 years of ranting into the ether. I deserve a cookie. Or maybe a straightjacket.

In any case, on with the show.

Way back when, in the pre-Obergfell days, when the citizens of this country still had a say in what was and what was not a marriage, people like me who said that marriages were strictly one man - one woman things said that to do away with that requirement would invite all kinds of trouble. Pictured below is President Biden's nominee for Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy for the Department of Energy.

His name is Sam Brinton. On the plus side, he's the one holding the leash, not the one in the leather dog costume.

Now the DAS of SP and WD in the O of NE for the D of E isn't exactly Archduke Ferdinand when it comes to government power, but that's not a janitorial position, either. He's high enough in the food chain to be visible to the Public Affairs crew at the DoE. They, apparently, are fine with his sex play.

And why not? Those are the fruits of Obergfell. What is wrong with Sam doing ... err, whatever it is he's doing there? There was always only one guardrail when it came to sex and that was how babies were made. Once we ditched that, bestiality, pretend-bestiality in this case, and pedophilia were the inevitable, logical future steps for the simple reason that we can't explain why it's wrong.

Some will claim that consent is the real guardrail, but consent is subjective. Baby-making is objective. Babies and the making thereof constitute a hard limit for acceptable behavior. Consent is in the eye of the beholder. Hey, I know some really mature ten-year-olds. Why can't they give consent? Are you some kind of prude or something?

Back in the day, people like me were told that we were being hysterical. Love is love! Love wins! 

I'm not sure if love won, but from the looks of that photo, the real winners are the people who own dry cleaning businesses. I can't imagine that costume stayed clean for long and leather is pretty touchy stuff when it comes to stains.

More on this topic in future blog posts.


  1. Please, no more posts on the stains….

  2. Happy Blog-o-versary.

    I have made the same arguments about redefining marriage beyond 1 biological man + 1 biological woman. The typical argument back is either, “why?” Or “love is love”. As to the second no one has ever been able to counter: “so you love your parents, you love your spouse, you love your kids, you love your car, you love spaghetti. Are all those ‘loves’ the same? They sure aren’t for me. If they aren’t for you then your statement is a meaningless tautology.”

    My argument on “why?” is this: the Preamble of Constitution of the United States includes the phrase “to ourselves and our Posterity”. Note the fact that “Posterity” is capitalized. It is so to emphasize the word. That is a clear indication that those unions which can produce our Posterity have a special place in the law of the land and hence, it is appropriate to reward such unions over and beyond those which can not produce Posterity. Q.E.D.

  3. My former manager at my former job is gay. She was a great manager. One of the best I've ever had. She was technical in background, so knew kind of what I did. Was rational and interested in getting the job done, providing what her employees needed to do that. She was more upset when I was laid off than I was. She had no input and was just given a list of people that were being axed. I saw it coming.

    We were at a scrum training / planning 3 day meeting, and so there was a lot of time for getting to know everyone, who were spread out across the country. The subject of marriage came up, and she said that she was always approached with people expecting her to support it.

    She didn't. She recognized it as something with special meaning to others, and felt it should stay that way. However, what needs to happen is separate marriage from the government tax advantages. She said that wasn't a popular opinion with the more liberal people she knew.
