
Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Neurotic Behavior In One Chart

New York has a mask mandate. New Jersey does not. There's barely a sliver of daylight between the two graphs of daily new infections per 1,000,000.


Here in San Diego, I see school kids walking around outside, wearing masks all the time. Even when they're alone. I still see people wearing masks while they drive their cars alone.

Blue states create neurotics.


  1. You can't draw that conclusion ("Blue states create neurotics.") from that graph. After all both New York and New Jersey are blue states, so any differences (masking v. non-masking) isn't due to being a blue state.

    Now the NJ Governor just won a VERY close race, so maybe he heard the people saying something about being dissatisfied about the crazy CoViD masking so he moved towards the orange, while NY remains so far from red that it is practically UV (much like G-UV-ernor Noisome).

  2. Lefties generally seem to be neurotic, or at least unhappy and angry, same thing really. It goes with the territory.
    The Tea Party people and the truckers are happy people, antifa and blm not so much. How's that for understatement!

  3. ==Noisome==

    Let's make that the go-to name for the fellow.

  4. I must admit, I didn't think of the graph as indicating the neuroses. To me, the graph indicated the idiocy of the masking and the kids wandering around San Diego in masks were the neurotics. I brought up the blue states because they're the ones most likely to force children to wear masks.

  5. Did you see the Johns Hopkins study on Covid lockdowns? A quick summary, they were a failure. They saw that through Europe and the US (why is Canada never included?) that lockdowns did little to reduce mortality but did have huge effect on the economy.
