
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Throw The Book At Him!

Or maybe just throw the bill at him. As in whatever is the most recent monstrosity passed by your state or Federal legislature might be. I mean, since calling the cops will be useless pretty soon, throwing something the size of an old school phone book at an assailant will work as well as anything.

Imagine getting hit with a bound version of this thing!

The Kenosha lesson to be relearned for the eighteenth time this year is that cops are not allowed to arrest anyone. If you are stopped by the cops and they give you orders to stay put or do this or do that, you are free to do as you please. If they use force to make you obey them, the BLM crew will burn the city down.

The most ironic thing out of all of this is that it's a blue civil war. That means that on the leadership end of the spectrum, laws and regulation are growing like kudzu. Down on the peasant end, there are no recognized authorities.

Lots of rules and no enforcement is indistinguishable from no rules at all.

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