
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Reality Is Going To The Polls

While I sometimes hyperventilate on this blog about the Democrat-Nazi* insanity, in the back of my mind, I'm not all that worried. Yes, blue cities are being wrecked, but in the end, Reality will get it's vote and it's the only vote that counts. That vote will come in stages.

Stage 1 is where the cops leave black neighborhoods. Stage 2 is where those neighborhoods turn into abbatoirs while the news media ignores them because rrrrrrrrrrracism!** Stage 3 is where it gets so bad that no one can ignore it. Stage 4 is where we realize that the problem wasn't racism after all, it was the destruction of the family. 

Maybe we get to Stage 4, maybe we stop at Stage 3 and come to a different conclusion. Either way, it's going to get harder and harder to sell the fake noose stories as we watch the black bodies pile up in black neighborhoods at the hands of black criminals. We really do care about them and we really aren't racist. It's going to be very painful to see. The only question is when we start being shown it.

So here we are at Stage 1. Don't believe me? Dig these data points.
I found these with quick Google searches. There are tons more. In blue cities across the nation, the cops are making rational, informed decisions and allowing the residents of certain neighborhoods free reign. Since there are almost no traditional, nuclear families in those neighborhoods, civilization has broken down there, just like we social conservatives have warned for decades.

This is a massive, blue civil war where the wealthy, protected progressives live in their bubble and spout modern Nazi Race Theory rubbish while the poor, black people suffer from the massive increases in violence. That cognitive dissonance can't go on forever. At some point, the progs will have lost too many supporters as compassion overcomes ideology. That will be Stage 3.

Let's hope we get to Stage 4. Soon.

Dads matter. A lot.

* - Short description: Take Mein Kampf and change Jew to White and German to Black and you end up with a series of Elizabeth Warren / Kamala Harris / Random Democrat speeches.

** - I've fallen in love with the way Ben Shapiro trills the r in racism. I think it's hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. Either way, it's going to get harder and harder to sell the fake noose stories as we watch the black bodies pile up in black neighborhoods at the hands of black criminals.

    They got a solution for that-- don't watch.

    Example, Lee Fang failing to censor a black man in a black neighborhood asking why black lives only matter when it's not innocents killed by black criminals.
