
Friday, March 13, 2020

What's Good For Lesbians

... isn't necessarily good for normal women because their goals are very different.

From my Lesbian Empowerment post, there's this.
The message that American culture is giving young men through the multi-billion dollar professional advertising and marketing industry is that you are useless. Women can compete with you and beat you all the time...

Our sons have plenty of friends who have gotten the message. They've got porn, weed and video games, plus jobs that keep them barely on this side of homelessness. Like guys care. We can live in total squalor as long as we have (virtual) accomplishment and sex. We've got that and, frankly, it, particularly the porn, is better than you. Way better. As in, so much better that it's like freaking heroin compared to your Zima better.

If you or your daughters want to get married, you may want to look into this kind of thing.
From the recent Marxist Love post, there's this.
Even a woman's body is a commodity (to the cultural Marxists). Everything is a commodity. There is no room for either agape or eros in this, it's all about human ants toiling for the production of stuff under the guidance of wise overseers.

But that's not life, is it? Happiness is not connected to stuff. Once you can provide for yourself and your family and you've got a little left over to visit Dollywood and ride the roller coasters, you're just as happy as Bill Gates.

Materialism isn't love, either, is it? How many men go to work on road crews and have their paychecks deposited in joint accounts so they can oppress their wives and children? Their families aren't commodities, they are the loved ones he serves by giving his life to them. He would get more pleasure if he would smoke weed, watch porn and play video games, but instead he goes to work every day and gives most of his income to others.
What does a normal woman want? Do they want the corner office and a glass-ceiling-smashing CEO position? Or do they want a husband and a family? From the unwed and/or childless young women I know, it's the latter. All of them work and all of them could easily find paths to corporate glory and riches from where they are, but they constantly pine for a family.

They want love. They want the comfort and protection that comes from having a capable, devoted and, in most cases considering my social circles, Catholic husband. They want to be feel emotionally and physically safe while they raise their children. If you gave them a choice between that and a 6-figure salary plus a fancy title over a 35-year career, they'd instantly choose the husband and kids.

Does a culture pursue the same things when women want careers vs. when women want husbands and families? Does a culture which prioritizes the desires of normal women put everything in Marxist, materialist terms? Is it all about pay and empowerment, or is it all about love and devotion? They aren't the same, you know. Pursuit of one leads away from the other.

First off, normal women want husbands who have money, power and competence. They have since time immemorial. Mountains of studies have shown they want a man who earns more than they do and is taller than they are.

If women earn as much or more than men, where are you going to find these husbands? If women want love and family, then doesn't society serve them best when it produces as large a pool of successful, confident men as possible? After all, if there's only a few good men, the odds of any particular woman landing and keeping one are pretty small.

Just how do you plan on landing and keeping the trophy husband, anyway?

If you've saturated the Internet with porn, how are you going to motivate him to pursue you and take care of you once you've connected? Why would he pop the question if his life is Marxist, too, and all he cares about is money and power?

On the other hand, if you're a lesbian, what do you care how big the pool of Mr. Rights is? In fact, you want it small, so you have less competition as you chase the corporate prizes.

What does it matter to you if the guys are all locked in their rooms with laptops and hundreds of thousands of porn videos? For you, it's better to have that accepted as it pushes the boundaries of decent behavior farther away from your own. Who is going to judge your actions when it's perfectly OK to for guys watch rape fantasies or dress like 1890s saloon-hall girls and read to toddlers in public libraries?

From my Epstein Library Empire post, there's this.
One of the reasons the Romans liked a big empire was that it pushed the borders, where lived dangerous barbarians, far, far away from them. The larger the Empire, the safer you were, no matter where you were. I'd like to suggest that Jeffrey Epstein, children in drag and trannies in the library are all part of the modern-day American cultural Empire. That is, acceptance of their behavior expands the empire by normalizing ever more degeneracy.

Remember, your behavior might be degenerate under some definition, but the farther out the borders go, the less degenerate you look.
I would argue that modern-day American culture is serving the interests of lesbians, not normal women.

Feel free to prove me wrong.

Here's a recent ad from Nissan, notable for being one of the most disliked videos in YouTube history. It's all grrrl power and, in my parlance, pro-lesbian culture. If I were a young man and had these kinds of chicks around me, I'd smile and head back to my laptop. After all, I've got it really good with my virtual harem and they don't make me feel like an oppressive, hateful monster. Live it up, real ladies! Like I care.


  1. "First off, normal women want husbands who have money, power and competence. They have since time immemorial"

    So, here's the thing. The tenor of your whole piece is suggesting that such husbands used to be fairly plentiful, but due to cultural shifts they are now rare. I do not think that is true. I think that good men were always rare, and that women have always had to settle for what they could get.

    When I was in high school back in the 70s, I don't remember there being any significant number of guys that I could imagine any women considering decent husband material. Maybe one in ten, tops. The only way I could see any of those other guys getting married is if some woman felt she absolutely had to get married, and was desperate enough to scrape the bottom of the barrel. The quality improved markedly in college, because most of the really undesirable guys don't go to college. But even there I think the ones who were "good husband material" were no more than about one in four. And of the other three, one of them was all the way down in the "impossible to live with" category.

    I think the ratios are about the same now. The only real change is that the women aren't so desperate. While they would like to get married and have a family, they don't feel they absolutely must do so. So they don't.

    Overall, I think the percentage of the population that is living in happy, productive families is probably about the same as ever. What has decreased is the number of desperately unhappy families, which have been replaced by moderately unhappy single people.

  2. Can culture shape men?

  3. On the other side of the equation so to speak you get a lot of 'good' men who are a bit dull maybe and too many women will shy away from them not realising that maybe they make the best husbands, they want excitement, the gypsy with the gold ear ring type of excitement, it's them there damn hormones driving them, or evolution pushing then to find the best genes for their offspring, instinctively akin to how we breed animals to produce champions.
    As for lesbians, is it stating the plainly obvious to say there's something wrong with them? How many of them end up in their sixties with no kids and nothing much to show for their time on earth? As DJT would say, 'Sad'!
    I don't mean this in a judgemental way, more compassionately, wishing maybe there could be some advice along these lines to young people in High School rather than the current fad of teaching all these 'alternate life styles' as normal.

  4. I agree, ligneus, it's not a judgmental or "You're a sinner!" thing, it's biology. If you want the next generation to be healthy in all respects, do you tailor your culture to the goals of the subgroup in your population that can't reproduce because its mate-selection circuits are broken?
