
Saturday, March 07, 2020

Talking To Yourself And Saying Nothing

Yesterday, we visited a furniture consignment shop in Olympia to look at sofas for our son. Realize that Seattle - Tacoma - Olympia is one of the most progressive and woke places in the country. At the store, I saw a local, social justice newspaper. It had all kinds of stories about justice and sexism and racism.

Who were the villains? When nearly everyone around you are woke and aware and have fully-raised consciousnesses, who are you targeting with your vitriol? 

It made me think of our universities which are slightly to the left of Bernie, but still seem to find reasons to protest and be outraged.

Or maybe the political analysts claiming that sexism and racism are alive and well in the Democrats' primaries. 

Meanwhile, right outside the thoroughly woke store, drugged-out homeless people shuffled around in 35 degree weather with no aid given by the progressives all around them.

1 comment:

  1. And then there's this -
