
Monday, July 01, 2019

Notes On Tangiers

Since Spain is The Land That WiFi Forgot, I'm going to take notes on my phone's Blogger app as I go so I have something to post today. Here are my thoughts as they came to me.

Today, we're going to Morocco for a guided tour.

At the ferry terminal, there's a ton of Moroccans heading home. Every woman of child-bearing age has children. Every single one. Multiple children from the look of things. The Europeans are screwed.

The Moroccans on the boat are a cheerful bunch. I haven't tried to convert them to the One, True Church, so I can't tell you how open minded they are.

At our hotel, there are plenty of German lesbians. No children with them!

I can't imagine how dense you'd have to be to think that a culture full of tatted, pierced, smoking lesbians would appeal to one of traditional families. The thought that the Muslims would ditch their four, happy kids and veiled wives for nihilism is the height of stupidity.

The modern West has the worst intellectual and elite classes in the history of the world. They are going to lead the Secular Left to a resounding defeat.

Morocco Proper

The place is a mix of old and new. I mean really old and really new. We saw new, beachfront houses and then shopped in the bazaar which probably hasn't changed all that much in a hundred or more years. Imagine Aladdin where the shopkeepers have cell phones.

They like to haggle. We bought a very nice carpet, but it took about twenty minutes. The price ended up less than half of the starting price and the seller trotted out a half dozen typical salesman tricks. I'm good, but wife kitteh is way better, having grown up as a full on carny.

I had thought I'd like haggling, but I found that after 5 minutes, I'd had enough and the event became a chore. Wife kitteh was tenacious and finished the deal.

We haggled at two more shops and I just wanted to strangle everyone involved except wife kitteh. I cannot imagine doing that on a daily basis.

We rode camels at the beach. Yes, it's as corny as it sounds, but I figured it was like a ride at Disneyland. If you're going there, you might as well enjoy the standard amusements.

Riding a camel is uncomfortable. Their gait is exaggerated and slow. I eventually got the timing down, but it was still far less steady than a horse.

I'm going to stop here. This blog post is sounding way too negative. We had a great time and I would absolutely recommend a guided day in Tangiers. I have lots of photos, but no WiFi, so I'll post them another time.

I'm totally down with the Moroccan people. I thought they were way cool.


  1. Read your summary of "Aladdin's bazaar, with cellphones" and my husband laughed and said "yes, exactly!"

  2. You make it all sound wonderful which is probably because it was! Very sad about the German lesbians, I don't think the promotion of 'alternate lifestyles' does them any favours. One funny thing, in my somewhat limited experience dealing with gays, limited in numbers not length of friendships, to me the defining common characteristic is immaturity, emotional and behavioural. My views are coloured by my belief that having kids is the most important reason for us to exist, tempered somewhat by the thought that many are not fit to have and rear kids. Am I going round in a circle!
    Look forward to seeking the pics.
