
Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Failure And Rage

Spain Update: We're at a laundromat in Rota where they have excellent WiFi. I only have my phone. I can't go get a better device because the car is far away. If you think Spanish WiFi is horrible, you should try parking here. Simply insane.

Post Content:

I saw this on Twitter: @Steve_Sailer: 
What accounts for "The Great Awokening" that began in roughly 2013? Why did vast numbers of white Democrats suddenly subscribe to theories that only Grievance Studies majors took seriously before then?

I think the reason for the wild increases in lefty rage is failure. It's becoming obvious that the blue enclaves like San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, Baltimore and Chicago, particularly the minority - majority sections, are disaster areas, despite having dominant lefty majorities for decades.

Confronted with this, you can either rethink your worldview or go with blame and rage. They've chosen blame and rage. With the rage comes incoherent thought. Hence, the attack on Andy Ngo this weekend by an ANTIFA mob in Portland, Oregon. If you can find a reason to consider a single, diminutive, gay, Asian dude a threat to the People of Color in deep, deep blue Portland, you must be some kind of genius.

And yet, the mob went wild with rage. What else could they do? The only other choice would be to renounce their faith and that's not in the cards.

Bonus depressing point: The local newspaper blamed Andy for provoking the rage. I have to admit that when I read that, for the first time ever, I became resigned to the strong possibility of secession. It became crystal clear in that moment that the left has gone completely mad.

Double Bonus Depressing Point: Cory "Spartacus" Booker has come out in favor of eliminating all legal ramifications for border crossing which would eliminate the border. The nation would collapse shortly thereafter, not for philosophical reasons, but because we wouldn't be able to cope with the millions upon millions of people rushing into the country. It's a practical issue, not a political one.

1 comment:

  1. I am pretty sure that the motivation of "Antifa" is not primarily political. It is just a loose gang of young punks who like to fight, and have found that the various "Right Wing" groups are associated with similar thugs who are happy to fight with them. And they can get into good brawls at ostensibly political protests, with the "left wing" and "right wing" masses providing cover for them so that the police take kind of a hands-off attitude. That way they don't have to deal with legal consequences for their little rumbles.

    I'd kind of prefer them all to go back to just being street gangs fighting between themselves. At least then there is no illusion that they have any particular moral or political virtues.
