
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

It's Year Zero For Chelsea Clinton

Dig this.
I recently saw a conversation between Tucker Carlson and Mark Steyn that clarified a lot of things for me. They drew an analogy between what we're experiencing with the Secular Left and the Year Zero campaign of the Khmer Rouge.

In 1975 Cambodia, Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge felt that everything that had gone before them was wrong. Capitalism, imperialism, technology, Western ideas, the whole thing was evil. Their solution was to destroy it all and start from scratch, to declare their victory in Cambodia as the start of a new era, as Year Zero. It went as well as you might expect, ending in something like 3,000,000 dead as they force-marched everyone out of the cities to work on collective farms.

That's what the Secular Left is desperately trying to do to our culture. Every time they denigrate Shakespeare, Western Civ classes, Christianity, European accomplishments, they're striving to get us to Year Zero. From there, they will collectively create the perfect civilization based on ... based on ... based on what?

Therein lies the rub. By throwing away millennia of learning and experience, they've thrown away any foundation by which one can make value judgments. In the video clip above, everyone has bought into the Secular Left's ideas to one extent or another and so everyone is talking gibberish.

The students blame Chelsea for the Christchurch shooting. According to the kids, Chelsea said something negative about the anti-Semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar which caused some nut on the other side of the world to kill Muslims. The students, stripped of any frame of reference with which to analyze ideas because they're in Year Zero, have not yet realized that the logic of their accusation makes everyone guilty of everything. At some point in time, you will have said something critical of some member of a group. When another member of that group gets hurt, it's your fault.

That's insane, but it's perfectly expected if you've obliterated the foundations of logic and reasoning, which is what the Secular Left has done.

Meanwhile, Chelsea doesn't point out the problems with the accusation, possibly because she can't see them, either. Instead, she apologizes as if they make sense. Everyone in that scene has been driven mad by the Year Zero thinking of the Secular Left. No one is reasoning with anyone, they're all emoting. That's all you're left with once you've discarded Western Civilization. The Secular Left is making things up as they go along, guided only by raw feelings.

I've blogged about the Rube Goldberg machine being created by the Secular Left to try to make sense of the world after the victory of postmodernism.
(W)e threw out the cultural structures that kept us safe. Now we need to build new ones, recreating the effects of the Judeo-Christian West without any of it's foundational principles.

That's a Rube Goldberg machine and it's not working even though we keep adding more and more political and cultural stages to it. No worries, this next round of elections will bring us the leaders we need to replace the traditional family! Well, that and the suppression of anyone who disagrees with us even slightly.
That's where we are right now. Chelsea had to be stunned by the accusation. Those cultural changes were only meant to be weaponized against the Right! Well, Chelski, you're the Right now as the Khmer Kiddies go off into more and more eccentric orbits, totally divorced from reason.

Bonus Tidbit: I loved the tone of Chelsea's response. It was so Clinton! The thing just dripped of insincerity. The rotten crabapple certainly didn't fall far from that twisted tree.

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