
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

God Save Us From Feminist Control Freaks

This morning, while drinking my coffee and perusing Twitter, I came across the Jordan Peterson video linked below. In it, a closed-minded feminist interrogates the good professor and, predictably, gets massacred. It was all good fun. Two things jumped out at me.

First was the aforementioned closed-mindedness. The woman is younger, has read less, experienced less and achieved less. Even if you disagree with Jordan, you might take the interview as a chance to learn something. When she launches at him with some pre-programmed feminist talking point and he dunks on her like LeBron against a high school team, she doesn't stop to inspect her thoughts and ask follow-ups that any curious person interviewing a genius might, were she trying to learn. Instead she's trying to score off him. Sigh.

The second, and more important point, was the notion of the tyrannical coercion of equality-of-outcome feminism. Part of the discussion was about grade-school teachers. Only about 15% of them are men. The feminist said we needed more men as teachers so the numbers would be closer to equal.

What if other men don't want to do it? What if 15% is the number because that's all we've got in the way of men desiring to be teachers? Why is it anyone else's business to push more men to be teachers or more women to be plumbers? Why do the feminists' OCD about ratios overrule an individual's goals and dreams? My response would have been, "Who are you to tell these men what they should be doing? Bug off, you control freak."

Anyway, here's the video. It's super long. I converted it to MP3 and listened to about 40 minutes on my commute this morning until I got tired of it and turned it off. Jordan was great, as usual, but she became tiresome and as much fun as it is to listen to Jordan rip someone to shreds, it gets old after a while.


  1. "here's the video. It's super long"

    Then I won't be watching it or listening to it. For the same reason I don't watch other "talking head" shows or videos. They are sssssssssssssoooooo ssssssssssssslllloooooowwwwww tooooooo geeeettttt tttttooooooo tththththththe ppppooooooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnntttttttttttt that I lose patience with them. If they can't be arsed to spend a few minutes to put together an effing transcript, or at least an outline, so I can read it[1], then they obviously don't care enough about what they are saying to be worth listening to[2].

    And if they are trying to force me to listen to them talk, then I suspect that they are trying to use voice and body gestures to emotionally engage and manipulate me. I know exactly how that is done, and I don't appreciate people trying to do it to me. If their arguments can't stand on their own without the mind games, then they aren't very good arguments.

    Either that, or they are too damned lazy to write or plan out what they are going to say, and think that plunking themselves in front of a camera and yammering away at random for half an hour is a good way to convey five minutes worth of information. They are almost always wrong.

    [1] I read about four to six times faster than most people talk (except maybe for auctioneers), so listening to verbal arguments is like wading through molasses. Plus, it is inconvenient to go back over what someone said to make sure I understood it correctly if they are speaking.

    [2] Granted, if I am doing some other thing like driving that makes it impossible to read, then it is nice to be able to listen. But in that case, that other thing that I'm doing generally takes precedence over listening. And I'd rather not be trying to judge the validity of someone's arguments while simultaneously trying not to die in an auto wreck.
