
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Anchor Babies And Trump

Many moons ago*, when my first son was born, the maternity ward where he entered the world was full of illegal aliens having anchor babies. More than half of the ward were illegals and the place was relatively close to capacity. It was shocking. Before that, I'd had no idea how prevalent that was. That was more than 20 years ago, so who knows what the situation is like today for hospitals within 100 miles of the border.

When President Trump said he was going to put an end to that, it made me pretty happy. Those families were clearly gaming the system and openly trying to take benefits from Americans. Yeah, I'm happy to be full of love for mamas and babies, but that sort of cheating is too much to take.

* - I use the Native American term of speech in case Elizabeth Warren is reading this.


  1. Trump keeps making one ask oneself, "Why did the TruConservatives never even attempt this?"

  2. Isn't it wonderful to see Trump still not backing away from a fight.
    And he came along just in the nick of time I think.
    So it's true, God looks after fools, drunks and the US.

  3. As of about 9 years ago, strike the "100 miles of the border" thing.

    Unless you mean the Canadian one.

    I was the only maternity case the Spokane hospital had that wasn't going to vanish as soon as we were discharged. There was only one empty room in the whole maternity ward. :(

    Might be illegal, might just know they can fake it to no ill will.

    Can't use the kid's information to track them, either.

  4. (It's amazing what you can learn from listening to the nurses and being genuinely interested.)
