Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How Is This Even Possible?


tim eisele said...

I've wondered about that sort of thing, too. Specifically the "fat-free sour cream" that is for sale these days (which I kind of suspect is actually thinly-disguised yogurt).

I guess it's OK, as long as it is prominently labeled "Fat Free" so everybody knows that the "half" isn't actually cream. I suppose I can put up with this sort of thing, at least until they start marketing "Fat-Free Lard".

K T Cat said...

Maybe they add chalk and crushed limestone to it to give it extra body.

Kelly the little black dog said...

It a wonder of modern food chemistry! you really don't want to know.

tim eisele said...

Seriously, it just looks like they thicken milk with carageenan and corn syrup until it has the right consistency.