
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Stoic and Heroic - That's Our Maximum Leader!

If our Maximum Leader looks more pensive than usual, it's because she had a tooth extracted yesterday.

I took her in for her regular check up yesterday and they found that one of her canines had broken and the root had become infected. Cat's teeth are hollow and when they break them off, food and bacteria get shoved up into the root as they eat. The resulting infection had rotted away the root and had started to go beyond that. We were fortunate to have it detected as early as we did.

Cats being stoic, we never knew she was in pain. She had been more cuddly than usual, probably seeking comfort where she could, but her appetite had never waned. That's usually the first sign they show when they're in real distress.

At the vet's she was her normal ornery self. The vet told me that the team had to take special measured as she became violently angry when they tried to sedate her. She's always been a tough, little girl.

She wasn't very happy with me yesterday, but a steady stream of gushifud will go a long way towards mending fences. She devoured two dishes of tuna yesterday and is on an all-gushifud diet for the next two weeks. You can tell she's in pain now because she's particularly agitated, trying to find a way to get comfortable. I've got some painkillers for her, but they're liquid and orally absorbed through her gums and cheeks. I'm not sure how much she gets before she swallows it.

Oh well. This, too, in time shall pass. She'll be back to acting the part of our Maximum Leader in a week or so. Until then she'll get lots of love and attention.


  1. Awwwww. Give an extra petting for me.

  2. Jedi Knight Ivyan10:48 PM

    Sympathy from my resident "panther". He had a rotten tooth extracted during his dental in January. We had some difficulty with giving him his antibiotics, until I started putting it on his gushifood. Much easier that way!

  3. Sorry our leader is hurting.

    Fangio and Socks were the same way, we didn't know of their problems until it was too late. Fangio was very orniry at the vet as well. Vet techs called him Fang.

    Gypsy sends here warmest regards.

  4. KT,
    sorry to hear about the tooth. Hope she's feeling better very soon. I'm sure the tuna will go a long way toward you getting her forgiveness.

  5. Aw, poor thing. My tuxie had a similar problem long time ago and responded with similar, um, "imperial indignation" shall we say. Sympathies from the remaining felines!

  6. Thanks for all the sympathy! Just a few days later and she seems to be back to normal, longing around and acting regal.

  7. Oh, dear; I'll have to keep an eye on my boys' teeth.
