
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Signpost

In order to balance their budget, Hawaii has gone to a four day school week.

Let that sink in for a second.

How long have we been supporting a 5-day school week in the US? I would think that it goes back to around 1900 or earlier. I'd excerpt some blah blah from the story linked above, but it's really not that necessary. The headline says it all. How screwed up do you have to be to not be able to provide grade school education? It's not like they're not spending any money. The state budget is about $10B. Given their 1.3 million population, That works out to around $8,000 for every man, woman and child in the state.

Where's all that money going? Adjusting for population and inflation, there's no way they were spending that kind of money per person 20-50 years ago. I could do the research, but it's hardly worth it because we all know what would turn up. Unless Hawaii has been building some battleships that we don't know about, they're cutting back the school week because they've been ...



  1. "Unless Hawaii has been building some battleships that we don't know about"

    Curses! He's on to us! He knows what is hidden in the Secret Volcano Lair! Quick, launch the attack immediately, before he spills the beans about the laser sharks and the Doom Kraken Brigade!

  2. Kraken?!? You wanted Kraken? I thought you said "crackers." Holy smokes, did I screw up or what? You're gonna have to give me a few days, Tim. I've got some catching up to do ...

  3. Don't speak too soon, your state might be next. We've already had one rural district here in Colorado enact it.

  4. Have you ever read any Theodore Dalrymple? You really should, as it throws a lot of light on this subject. As a German bishop said centuries ago: "The poor are a goldmine."

  5. Kelly, California is already doing things like this. We've been compassionate, too.

  6. Jeff, I love Dalrymple! I've read two of his books. Until then, I had no idea Britain's was so rotted out.
