
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Because Their Aquaman Costumes Were at the Cleaners

In an addendum to the previous post about stupidity being the primary reason the ObamaCare bill will have a wildly different outcome from what was intended, I offer this bit of self-embarassment from some of its authors.

Trolling for racism, members of the Congressional Black Caucus paraded through the people protesting the profligacy of the bill. It was a humiliating act of fantasy. The protestors were voicing concern that with an existing $1.4T deficit and a history of not being able to contain the costs of entitlement programs, a monstrous new spending program would cripple the lives of their children by burdening them with mountains of debt.

The Congressional Black Caucus responded by playing "Let's Pretend" and trying to re-enact a civil rights march in Selma or Little Rock. The video is cringe-inducing as you realize just how totally out of touch with reality the congressmen are and how desperately they want to play out a scene that doesn't exist.

Every time I see it posted on the web, I transpose the participants. I have this image of the Congressional Black Caucus dressed up as Aquaman parading through the San Diego Bridal Bazaar trying reenact something from a Marvel comic book*. It seems that embarassing, weird and creepy to me.

* - Not being a reader of comic books, I have no idea what it might be, it just popped into my head as the strangest thing I could imagine. Well, the second strangest. Trying to reenact Selma at the ObamaCare protest is the strangest.

1 comment:

  1. Does Aquaman actually have to take his suit to the cleaners? It seems like it would essentially get washed every time he went in the water. That is to say, constantly.
