
Monday, September 28, 2009

President Petraeus

Practice saying that. Going out on a limb here, I think that's who will be sworn in on January 20, 2013. A wartime situation calls for a strong, wartime leader and no one under consideration from either party can compete with General Petraeus. President Obama is laying the foundation for his election.

By surrendering in Poland and the Czech Republic, Obama has emboldened the Russians. Expect another invasion of Georgia, this time for keeps. Obama is on the verge of surrendering in Afghanistan. In fact, he's doing it right now by dithering. When that happens, Al Qaeda will rightfully claim victory and the whole cycle of violence will begin again. In South America, Hugo Chavez is just getting warmed up. I wonder how much involvement he has in Mexico's problems.

And then there's Iran.

The current Iranian leadership are the same folks who used their own children as minesweepers in the Iran-Iraq war. I don't think they're too impressed with Barack's calls for international sanctions or threats of international law. They'll have their nukes before long because the only way to stop them is through invasion and overthrow. Given his pusillanimous reaction to the Tehran riots earlier this year and his inability to stick it out in Afghanistan, there's no way Obama will have the courage to get rid of the Mullahs.

Once in possession of nukes, Iran can distribute them freely around the world. To Venezuela, for example. Imagine nuclear-tipped Iranian missiles 1100 miles from Florida. Or perhaps in Mexico in one form or another.

If that's not enough of a reason, consider this. Obama, the College Administrator President is showing himself to be leadership-illiterate. He's abdicated every lead role to someone else and has substituted blathering in its place. By the time two more years have passed, we won't want some slithering, smooth-talking creep like Mitt Romney or another gasbag politician who's never done much of anything or even Sarah Palin who's the only one who's done something other than flap their gums. We'll want the real thing.

Mr. President?


  1. How about a Petraeus/Palin ticket?

  2. I like the good General but wonder what his domestic agenda would look like. It would take a real disaster for America to return a general to the White House, like Korea looked like in '52, so I am hoping that doesn't happen.

    With respect to Sarah Palin, as much as I like and admire her, no way. Call me sexist, but America is not going to elect a good looking woman to the Presidency or Vice Presidency. And I think it is the women voters who will prevent such an outcome.

    Sarah Palin is a living affront to the left. She disproves their pet theories and exposes their hypocrisies, especially the one about they care for the average American. Because of this she energizes them in their lust to see her defeat. I think she will do much better staying out of electoral politics, in much the same way that Al Gore has been able to be more influential on the left since his 2000 loss.

  3. I think the spastic response to Sarah Palin is just that - an unthinking spasm. She could run rings around Obama or Biden or McCain as an executive no matter what ditzy things she said about Russia.

  4. This brings up the whole problem with our current method of electing presidents: There is basically no way that Petraeus, or anybody like him, will willingly submit himself to the grueling, degrading process of running for president.

    I personally am of the opinion that George Washington was probably the best president we have ever had, and we would really benefit from somebody like him today. But, if George Washington was alive today, there is no way in hell that he would run for the job. For that matter, he didn't really run for the job in the first place, he basically got drafted.

    Petraeus sounds like he could very well be as close to a modern-day Washington as we can reasonably expect, but unless there is some way to draft him, too, it isn't going to happen.

  5.'re just a big Teaser.
