
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Born Pregnant?



  1. Whoa! I admire the posters fascination with the bugs, but to me, they are still bugs and warrant an "ewww."

  2. Things like Tim's blog are what make the Internet worthwhile.

  3. Thanks, KT!

    It's kind of funny: remember the Old Star Trek episode "The Trouble with Tribbles"? After examining the tribbles, McCoy said something to the effect of "Over 50% of their metabolism is geared towards reproduction. As near as I can tell, they are born pregnant!" They were essentially cat-sized, furry aphids.

    And yet, people consider tribbles to be cute, while standard aphids are bugs that warrant an "ewww".

    Maybe it's the fur. Let's see what people think of the "wooly aphids".

    And no, I'm not kidding. They exist. I have pictures.

  4. Tim, it's clear we share a great deal. That was precisely the line I thought of when I read your post. I've seen the episode enough times to quote it from memory.

