
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Littoral Combat Ship Points the Way!

Last night, President Obama gave a speech on Yacht Reform to a joint session of Congress. Among other excellent points, the president talked again about how profits are a form of overhead and how they increase the costs for yachts. By bringing the efficient and profit-free federal government into the yacht business, we can provide the kind of competition necessary to bring costs down and make yachts affordable for all. Nothing makes this point better than the Littoral Combat Ship.
Chief of Naval Operations Michael Mullen said Tuesday he is "embarrassed" by hefty cost overruns on the Littoral Combat Ship, but said he expects to get the program back on track as early as next month ...

The Navy stopped work on the third LCS ship Jan. 12, after learning that the price tag on the first ship would total roughly $410 million -- well above the $220 million the Navy expects to pay for future ships.

Through the judicious use of gargantuan taxpayer subsidies, government yachtmakers will bring competition to the marketplace and make yachts affordable.

Elsewhere, B-Daddy has an outstanding summary of the rest of the speech. Foxfier has additional thoughts and some good links. Rose illustrates the issue with illegal aliens in a clear excerpt from the current bill.


  1. Thanks for the link. Inside the Navy the LCS has been known as the Little Crappy Ship by professional officers for quite some time.

  2. Hehe, thanks for the link!

    (now I'm trying to figure out why Technorati doesn't count it as a link....)

  3. Jan 12th? So that was back when the president for the last eight years, and still was, ... Oh sorry, forgot where I was....

    Not sure why the capcha is "subarkme" though, something subliminal, no doubt.

  4. foxie, I used to watch my Technorati page religiously to see who was linking to me, but I stopped that months ago. They don't seem to keep it up to date and like you, I don't see links on Technorati that I know people have given to me.
