
Wednesday, September 09, 2009

B-Daddy is all Wee-wee'd Up

Geeze, dude get a grip.
In a move I am sure will win no friends for the President, Max Baucus is proposing fines of $3800 per family for a failure to buy health insurance. How outrageous and unconstitutional! To be fined just because you are alive and don't want a product? If this fine passes and isn't overturned, I might lose faith in our checks and balances.
Take a chill pill, B-Daddy. I'm sure that if you can't come up with the $3800, they'll accept the equivalent in internal organs. After all, your current GP was probably going to yank them out anyway because it would make him more money than prescribing you some antibiotics. Take a break from your right wing hate sites for a while and have a nice, soothing colonic irrigation. You'll feel better and it will prepare you for the speechifying tonight.


  1. Thanks for the link love, I think.

  2. You mean left-wing hating on the right-wing sites?
