
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Choose Your Own Apocalypse!

Paul Kedrosky links to a Slate page where you can choose your own apocalypse. It's apocalyptastic! Here's what I ended up with on my first quick and sloppy try:

You are a humanitarian internationalist. You're convinced mankind will terminate America—but at least we won't off ourselves in the process. You'll know you're right when: Everyone on Earth pledges allegiance to a world government; the feds default on the national debt.

It's loads of fun. Go try it out and let us know how you think the world is going to end. Remember, though: we can avoid these doomsday scenarios if we can make yachts affordable for all.


  1. I ended up getting the same as you.

    I'm also massively depressed that they think an Israel/Arab war (er, isn't that already going on?) and getting fat are more likely to end the us than, y'know, actual disintegration of the nation....

  2. I ended up using the robot overlords.

    Superintelligent robots supplant humankind as the planet's dominant beings. Flesh-and-blood people die out, unable to compete with the superior androids.
