
Monday, May 25, 2009

I Guess I Need to Write Something More Prudicious

... because William A. Jacobson over at Legal Insurrection named me "Blog of the Day." I'm not sure why, but thanks a million, Mr. Jacobson!

Welcome to The Scratching Post to my new visitors! This is an eclectic blog with some focus on politics, economics, theology and sociology with photos of cats and flowers thrown in. The term "prudiciousness" comes from our Monks of Miscellaneous Musings who coined the phrase as a mix of prudishness and judiciousness.

Whatever. On with the show.

So over at our Prelate to the Primates is this post, wherein a portion of the transcript of Obama's talk with CNN is excerpted. I've seen the YouTube embed on a variety of blogs, but I'd avoided watching it. The transcript portion I read was more than enough. It's vintage Obama.
SCULLY: You know the numbers, $1.7 trillion debt, a national deficit of $11 trillion. At what point do we run out of money?

OBAMA: Well, we are out of money now. We are operating in deep deficits, not caused by any decisions we’ve made on health care so far. This is a consequence of the crisis that we’ve seen and in fact our failure to make some good decisions on health care over the last several decades.
First, you start with the truth. "We're out of money." You then move on to a conclusion you want. "We need health care for all." The connection in between is strictly grammatical - that is, it's there so that you recognize the prose as English. Other than that, there's no connection at all.

Obama has two primary goals, saving the planet and wealth redistribution. There's nothing else that's close. Creating wealth and jobs is not part of the plan. The sooner you learn to accept that, the better off you'll be. Words are an ends to the means and have no intrinsic meaning. Obama's critics make the mistake of debating his words. His words are simply a feint, a ruse designed to get you to argue and fight with a minor distraction while he does whatever he wants.

The country is bankrupt because we as a culture have bankrupted ourselves. We want what we haven't earned and we've discovered that other nations will loan us the money to get it. We've also learned that marriage is optional for procreation, so long as we build lots of prisons.

Obama is a Peronist. That is, he is a fascist whose goal is wealth redistribution. Instead of dissecting his words and trying to apply this week's news to his speeches, I'd suggest stepping back and looking at a broader hypothesis.

Obama is the symptom of a cultural problem - a president who promises to give us more free goodies than anyone in history in exchange for our freedoms. He's the presidential equivalent of those emails you get from the Economic Minister of Ghana who's brother just died leaving him $35,500,000. Just like those emails, we need to discard his promises of free wealth and get back to working and saving. People like Obama should have their messages immediately routed into the trash bin.


  1. KT, Congrats! And thanks for the link.

  2. Hey, cool beans!

    We have failed to make good decisions on health care in the last several decades, and it *has* contributed to the budget problem.... I know a rather rich couple-- two houses, keep horses, world travelers, etc-- who are canceling their insurance because Medicare will pay for everything. Including the cancer the man just found out he has. Gov't already paid for the knee surgery a few years back. (My mom's had breast cancer and several knee surgeries, so everyone tells her this stuff-- she's the only one we know whose delt with everything out of private insurance or the family pocket, no gov't or charity involved. Given the number of people we know who have had one or the other, that's a terrifying statement about how much the gov't is spending on health care.)

  3. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Running out of money is not a problem, it's an opportunity, a crisis to be exploited. Get with the program!

    (nometumo. mmm, Italian noms)
