
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Defending President Obama

First, I love the fact that the President picked his NCAA basketball brackets. Good for him. And no, I don't think he should have been "trying to fix the economy instead." First off, he isn't going to fix it (that's our job, not his) and second, lighten up. I thought it was a nice touch.

Second, apparently Barack went on the Tonight Show and joked about his bowling being like the Special Olympics. Everyone's fussing about him mocking the disabled. Get over it. Stop encouraging the Politically Correct crowd. Watever his faults might be, I can't imagine that President Obama is the kind that mocks the disabled. It beggars the imagination to cook that one up.

Good for the president that he acted like a normal guy and picked his brackets and made a silly joke about his own failings. Well done, sir.


  1. Much as I dislike him, and much as I know full well what would be happening if this was Bush or any other republican, I have to agree with you on this one.

    On principle.

    But I will enjoy watching him squirm, as it is him and his ilk who have dished this crap out with abandon for the last 8 years at least.

    And sadly, showing them there is a better way - as Bush has done by refusing to criticize this monster - will only embolden them. They will see it as a sign of weakness, and a sign that they are indeed the chosen ones.

  2. Anonymous3:54 AM

    Admit it, you're just trying to innoculate yourself against the coming 90% tax against those who don't laugh at The One's jokes.

  3. Anonymous4:39 AM

    "as Bush has done by refusing to criticize this monster"

    This is not unique to Bush, it seems to me that it is something of a tradition for former presidents to not criticize the current president. For most of my adult life, there have been 3 to 5 former presidents alive at any given time, and I cannot recall any significant criticism of the sitting presidents by any former presidents in that time.

    I expect it is a matter of professional courtesy. They all remember what it was like, and are standing aside to let the new guy make his own mistakes.

  4. Anonymous2:09 PM

    "and I cannot recall any significant criticism of the sitting presidents by any former presidents in that time."

    You might want to do some research into what both Carter and Clinton had to say about GW Bush before going all the way out to the end of that limb.

    In regards to Obama's comments on Leno last night.

    He was truly classless.

    Anyone who makes jokes at the expense of the disabled should be ashamed. He should be ashamed of his behavior if for no other reason than the fact that he denigrates the Office of the President of the United States by engaging in such.

  5. Anonymous7:11 PM

    he denigrates the Office of the President of the United States by engaging in such.

    Well what do you expect from a fool?

  6. Lighten up Mr. Anonymous. Better yet, read Obama's full response over at Iowahak.
