
Monday, December 08, 2008

Lies and Ignorance Just Don't Sell Any More

... or so the management of the Tribune Company is finding out.
Tribune Co. is preparing for a possible filing for bankruptcy-court protection as soon as this week, according to people familiar with the matter, in a sign of worsening trouble for the newspaper industry ...

Tribune owns eight major daily newspapers, including the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune and Baltimore Sun, plus a string of local TV stations ...

Tribune's latest actions underscore the deepening distress enveloping Tribune and other newspaper publishers. Their businesses are being battered by dwindling advertising sales, and many are carrying debt loads that are unmanageable in current market conditions. Industry insiders expect some papers will need to fold in coming months or seek protection from creditors to reorganize.
Can we please have one more completely fictional story about homicidal Marines on a rampage in Iraq before you go, just for old times' sake?


  1. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I keep reading that headline as "Lice and ignorance", and thinking, "Well, I *hope* nobody is buying lice!"

    Although . . . some people evidently do try to sell lice.

  2. If the Trib wants to make out like bandits, they need to do the tell all on Chicago politics - it's timely, it'll get massive readership, tons of blog and word of mouth promotion - AND they COULD singlehandedly restore the journalist's reputation and standing - just play Woodward and Bernstein - DO they Blago/Obama/Rezko/Ayres/Daley et al story - and do it all the way, do it right.

    (captcha: molyise)
