
Monday, December 08, 2008


I am way behind on my captchadefs, so let me try to catch up, just a little bit. For those who haven't seen the previous post, these are definitions for the anti-spam captcha words that you have to type in on some blogs when leaving a comment. Some generous readers have been leaving their captcha words and I've decided to perform a public service by letting you know what they mean.

Here we go (again).

swincon (n) - a conservative given to spending wildly, particularly on pork. The entire Republican party, post-Gingrich, has been dominated by swincons.

Vizenes (n) - a small, but growing cult of people addicted to eyedrops. It's about the mildest form of teenage rebellion possible. If you notice an excessive number of eyedrop containers in your child's room, he might be in the grip of Vizenes.

muricate (v) - to cover with mulch or leaves. "Martha! Stop muricatin' over there and help me with this tree stump!"

telinati (n) - a secret society believed to be responsible for the increased use of cell phones.

chros (adj) - to be angry about the time. "If I'm late one more time, my wife will be very chros with me!"

That's just a small taste of the captchadefs that have built up. Feel free to leave us some more and we'll try to get to them more often!


  1. I was sure that Muricate was a synonym for Vizenes...

  2. LOL, and I was thinking is was vizz, not veyes...

    (captcha: plogrefr)

  3. Here's one for ya, Jacob, 'immural' - just got that one on another site.

    captcha: (somens) (rasms)
