
Friday, February 01, 2008

Comparing the Candidates on Science and the Environment

Our Missionary to the Frozen, Northern Wastelands compares Hillary, McCain and Obama.

I still like McCain the best. His support nuclear power shows a realistic way to achieve his emissions goals.


  1. Do you think all this negative talk about McCain is kind of a "Please don't throw me in that briar patch!" kind of thing?

    'Cause if it is not - how is this different from the way the Democrats threw Joe Lieberman under the bus just because he dared to step outside the box, and take a stand that they found unpopular?

    Isn't that what we should WANT in a public official? Someone who doesn't JUST go for the party line?

    I know there are all kinds of complexities that make the polarization necessary, but it also seems tremendously damaging to me.

  2. Rose, thanks as always for stopping by.

    I think the Joe Lieberman analogy is apt. It's the same kind of manic extremists on the right demonizing McCain that shredded Lieberman.

    If I recall, Lieberman was a pretty reliable Democrat in terms of his votes the way McCain has a decent conservative vote rating.

  3. Yeah, and I was highly critical of the way the democrats treated Lieberman. I am starting to feel the same way about what is happening here with McCain.

    And I'm getting tired of hearing that we need Reagan's clone. Revered as he may be now, he was controversial in his own time. I just wish people would stay focused on the real issues.
