
Saturday, March 24, 2007

Another Lean Six Sigma Success Story!

Preface: Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is a process improvement technique made by business consultants who never get out of the house and meet real people for improving efficiency by examining a process and looking for ways to make it better.

At my work, we recently received an email with a rah-rah speech about our implementation of LSS. In it, the author talked about one of our greatest LSS success stories to date. Apparently, one of our army of LSS droids had just completed a project where we saved an estimated $16,900 annually.

$16,900 annually! That's fantastic! And all at only a cost of millions of dollars a year! In honor of this glorious event, I've come up with an animal graph to show how well we're doing. Here it is.

Cost vs. benefits of LSS. The giraffe is the costs, the ant is the benefits

If we stack up enough ants, we can surely get something as big as a giraffe, right?

I've got lots more on LSS. Check it out.

Update: Ron Pereira, our amigo over at the Lean Six Sigma Acadamey, is too nice. Check out his take on the situation.


  1. Yeah, but if you really get a cute giraffe as part of the training, then this LSS crap is worth it!


  2. Good stuff KT Cat! I will respond over at the maybe one day infamous Lean Six Sigma Academy. Cheers!

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