
Saturday, October 07, 2006

Great Posts from the Feline Theocracy

Hi! It's Jacob the Syrian Hamster here with another edition of This Week in the Feline Theocracy where we link to our favorite posts from fellow Theocraticians.

As the faithful beadle of the Feline Theocracy, it has been my job to round up the best posts and link to them with a short description. The Theocracy has grown so large that the job has become too big to do at a single sitting. That's led to me delaying the job in search of enough free time to do the whole thing. That hasn't worked out well at all.

Well, that's part of the problem. The other part is that you've taken on a second job as Marques Colston's Unofficial Publicist.

Oh, uh, hi, K T! Yeah, I know I've kind of been busy with my other project.

As your Maximum Leader, I can say I am quite displeased about this.

Mea Culpa, K T. That's why I'm changing the way I do this. I will be doing the links in groups as I get small segments of time. That way I can be sure to get at least some of it done with regularity.

Good idea. All is forgiven.

Your humble servant, K T.

Here's my first foray into this new strategy.

Feline Empress and Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Ocean Whitefish Kukka Maria has one of the most consistently high quality blogs out there. Here is her reaction to a terrible insult directed at her from Iams Cat Food.

Lawman, our Knight-Protector and Defender of Yarn Balls recently brought me in for questioning. I'll have to say he was professional and thorough.

Our Abbess of the Priory of Small Princesses talks about why she is proud to be a Virginian. It really is a beautiful post. That's characteristic of her blog, too.

Sister Jane of Perpetual Purring highlights a disturbing development close to my home in National City.

Lastly, our College of Cardinals has a great post describing polling trends in Iraq. I learned a lot from this one. As is typical for that blog, it was well-researched and linked to the source data.

That's all I have time for right now. More to come, I promise!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to put you through that Jacob. It's just part of my job.

    But next time, please don't activate the siren on my car as the Chief walks by....... :)
