
Thursday, April 13, 2006

Thursday 13 – Odds and Ends Edition

The Carnival of the Cats and the subsequent lessons learned took most of the energy out of my blogging, so this week’s Thursday 13 will be a hodgepodge of topics.

1. I should be at work right now. I was supposed to participate in an 0830 ET teleconference. That makes it 0530 my time. I’m doing the work pro bono and I just don’t feel like going in, so I’m blowing it off. I’ll go in later, download the slides and review what’s being discussed, but the odds are that my days of going in at 0530 for these things are just about over. We found another fellow at work to travel back east and participate in these things live, so it’s time to wrap this up and call it a success.

2. The folks on the east coast mentioned above have been delighted to have free expert advice in these teleconferences, so there’s no way they’ll be upset if we miss one of them. They’re just happy to have us participate at all.

3. I’ve got to get my car fixed.

4. I didn’t spend any time with the Jacob the Syrian Hamster last night. Usually I bring a book, put his cage down on the ground and let him run around while I read. He really likes that. He was a Christmas present for my daughter and we’re gradually taming him. Tonight I need to spend some time with him.

5. I missed the Alliance’s call for posts this week after having told Justin I was in. My time is stretched pretty thin and when the Carnival of the Cats turned into a forest fire, all my other posts went out the door.

6. I got my first Instapundit link yesterday! Glenn linked to the Carnival of the Cats. It was a proud moment for the Feline Theocracy. It resulted in about 300 or so hits.

7. I am a strongly typed ENFJ.

8. I like strong coffee, particularly the Café du Mond coffee from New Orleans.

9. I was listening to Hugh Hewitt’s radio show the other day and they played the theme song from F-Troop as bumper music and then went to an interview with Lileks. Lileks said they should have used Green Acres’ theme song as Green Acres was the most surreal show ever put on TV. I didn’t remember it like that. I had remembered it as a silly, standard, 60’s sitcom. I began Tivoing episodes of it off TV Land earlier this week and it is hilarious! It’s Monty Python before Monty Python. Some of the episodes are pedestrian, but some of Python’s were, too. Most of the Green Acres episodes I’ve seen have been terrific.

10. A friend recommended Two and a Half Men to me, so I’m going to Tivo the next one and see if I like it. I’m having a hard time finding a modern sitcom to watch.

11. George Lopez isn’t it.

12. I considered moving from Adsense to Blogads this week because Adsense only pays you when visitors click on the ads and Blogads pays for the space used by the ads. A little more research showed this would probably be a bad idea. Looking at the Blogads website, there is a lot of unused ad space available on Blogads sites, meaning they have fewer advertisers than advertising space. Even if I got into it, I probably wouldn’t get any takers for my ad space.

13. This was easier than I thought it would be.

Other Thursday 13 Sites

Attila the Mom. Attila should get a link just for having one of the all-time greatest blog names ever. Check out her fierce visage, too! :-)

Dariana, who is Almost and Angel, has hers up.

More Angels. Undercover Angel has her Thursday 13 posted.

Emily Rose checks in with hers.

Novelist in Training has hers up and it's filled with wisdom.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  1. Hey, pour me a cuppa that joe!

    Great blog!

    I'm playing, sign me up!

  2. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Oooooh, I hate strong coffee but I adore New Orleans, does that help? tee hee hee. Thanks for visiting and Happy TT!

  3. Happy TT, Mine is up as well. Good post.

  4. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Well, since you mentioned that you only get paid if we click on a link, I clicked on the Target one for ya. Something about scratching posts, which our cats don't need, but I love Target, so it's always fun to poke around their site.

  5. Congrats on the link! Thank you for stopping over to see me, and I hope you're having a wonderful and blessed Easter!
