Pope Francis, when he isn't earning his title as The King of the Unforced Error, frequently shares utterly incoherent thoughts like this.
Jesus Christ, loving everyone with a universal love, educates us in the permanent recognition of the dignity of every human being, without exception. In fact, when we speak of “infinite and transcendent dignity,” we wish to emphasize that the most decisive value possessed by the human person surpasses and sustains every other juridical consideration that can be made to regulate life in society. Thus, all the Christian faithful and people of good will are called upon to consider the legitimacy of norms and public policies in the light of the dignity of the person and his or her fundamental rights, not vice versa.
In case you didn't want to click on the link, and I'm not quite sure why you would, this is part of a letter from Francis to the American bishops bolstering their position on the need for Americans to provide free hotels, food and necessaries to the illegals. All humans are worthy of respect and dignity, including the illegals, ergo we must support them indefinitely.
The letter is utterly incoherent in a way only possible within a cultural bubble. It is transparently evident that no one of independent mind edited the Pope's twaddle. Had it gone through such an edit, they might have caught the internal contradiction of the permanent recognition of the dignity of every human being, without exception. We got into this mess precisely because the Church flipped us the bird and allowed its numerous NGOs to act as Quislings, opening the gates of America to the invaders by providing manpower for processing and welcoming the invaders, manpower the government did not possess in anything like sufficient numbers.
Were it not for the Church, Pope Francis' Church, the invasion would have been logistically impossible. That the Catholic NGOs and their favored subcontractors waxed fat and prosperous, gorging on Federal dollars, didn't hurt.
Pope Francis and his team disrespected Americans and is now pompously demanding we respect the dignity of the illegals by continuing to pay and pay and pay. The fundamental logic of his letter disintegrates by its own hand.
So much for the pope's vaunted synodal process where leadership is supposed to listen to the laity and take in all ideas. Pope Francis puts the "no" in synodal.
ChatGPT To The Rescue
I worked with ChatGPT and came up with a hymn and a limerick to fit the moment. Here's the limerick. The hymn still needs some work.
There once was a bishop quite queer,
Who lectured his flock with a sneer,
"You’re hateful, you know,
For not giving your dough,
As the migrants are already here!"
I think you are forgetting something about the Pope: He's from South America, not the US. And, the immigrants he is defending are predominantly Catholic. So, of course his sympathies will lie primarily with his fellow Catholics.
ReplyDeleteThey haven't so far. See: "all faiths lead to God." With that one, he removed the entire rationale for Catholicism as a faith.
ReplyDeleteI think a better response to you, Tim, is that your assessment is perfectly reasonable. That's the problem with the Pope and USCCB taking the side of the illegals over American citizens. Had they supported the right of a nation to have borders, these kinds of takes would not have so much weight.